are they done


Well-Known Member
are they done its been 7 weeks 1 day now the leafs started dying off way back and all are now yellow even the bud leafs are going purple now my mate says its looks like its decreaseing in its looks
the crystals are all mostly cloudy however ive found a few orange ones in the bud and many on the orange pistols these are very small tho scope is a 100times some bottom buds are scraggley but some are exellent this is trail and error for next time to make em all delicious they have been on light strenth molasses feed only for 8 days now no nutes what do you guys think
ps new growth is appearing bud growth tho ontop of old bud



Well-Known Member
I can't really see the pictures. But, when the crystals have a gold tint to them they should be ripe! there is a guy that has pictures to show wat i am saying. I'll try to find it and let you know where to go to look! Damn good lookin plants tho! even with blurry pics it still looks damn good!

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I know the impatience that builds up before harvesting, but I'd still leave it grow for another 3-5 days. I can still see alot of green leaves, therefore still alot of potential for more bud and trichome production.

If you really, really wanted to, you could chop her in 1-2 days. But the extra 2 days will give you more amber trichs and bigger buds, since your plant is still geared up in heavy bud production (new growth keeps coming in at fast rates, which is typical for sativa-ish strains). Your plant looks delicious and will surely be very tasty and potent, but you've only flushed for a week now, if I'm correct. You wouldn't want it to taste like nutes. A little patience goes a very long way. This is especially true for growing plants.

PS: trim only the leaves that are 100% yellow. The ones that still have even a little bit of green still do their best to keep those buds growin.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
doc shall i take the worser lookin 1 off and leave best on or no leave all on
The yellow leaves that have started to crisp and have absolutely no more green in them should be removed, since now they are only blocking light for the lower leaves and buds. The ones that still have some green can still send some N to the buds for trich production, so should be left.

Also, the plant will feel that the leaves, even thou dead now, are being removed and will start eliminating a distress hormone. The plant, thinking that it is in some kind of danger, will try and accelerate the bud/trich production.


Well-Known Member
Hey Dr. Cannibus????? can you take a look at my plant and advise me as well? it's my first plant!


Well-Known Member
Use the "macro" feature on your camera, the pics will look 100 times better. You can harvest now or later, there really is no such thing as over ripe bud.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Sure, have a treat.

Place it for 10-15min on a warm surface (ex: ballast) no warmer than 120C. Use a bong or vaporizer, since it's still wet and won't burn well in a joint.


Well-Known Member
ive took 1

a whole 1

a whole plant couldnt resist
saves lookin for sum next week and more room for next gen