Well-Known Member
sounds good TC...i neeed to get my ass in gear too and cook up some more jars
you germin' any seeds yet?
you germin' any seeds yet?
Unfortunatly no not yet JG, I was gonna start them tonight once my gf mom left, but we got a weird call from our landlord today. He was askin if we were home, cus he wanted to stop by because he thought he had some wd-40 in the basement. Tell me that isn't a bit strange guys. We told him that we weren't home, but that we knew for a fact that there was no WD-40 in the basement. The mushrooms are out of the way, where he has no reason to ever need to go, but the weed wouldn't be as easily hid.
you know where your gonna grow yet ?
Well I have been planning on a tent setup in my basement. This thing the the landlord yesterday was weird though, and so I don't want to make any moves to fast until I have a clue whats up. I've only been renting from this guy sice october, and I have only seen him once since I signed the lease. He came over to take out some screens when he had new windows put in. He hasn't seemed like a snooper, but I can't figured why he didn't just go buy a can, and called us instead. I'm gonna tlak to my unstairs neighbor today, feel him out, make sure we havn't been being loud or anything, and pissing them off. Then I'm gonna talk to the landlord by the end of this week, and try to get a read on him. If it feels ok, then maybe I can start next weekend. This is driving me nuts. I need to get a garden going.
1. the shit we have been smoking is hardly worth it, seedy mids.
2. I love growing, and its been to long since I've had a real grow.
I'm real glad I've had these mushrooms going, its been giving me something to do.