Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

Ahhh! I only mean with fighting, let nature take its course there. Always maintain the health of your lovely plants ;)
Whew..had me worried I'll tell ya.
i agree about the fighting, I was responding to the posts with my opinion and was attacked. That's what these posts are for. I'm just going to ignore it in the future, but it does frost me when he engages in hate posting.

The lovelies are all of that.*happy sigh*
i try to be, but if you were to read his posts in other forums then you might understand my vitriol, It doesn't matter what the topic is, he's got to be the only enlightened one, and those who don't agree with him he spews at. Now everyone has a right to their opinion, and to disagree with those of others, that does not mean that they should disrespect the other. While i enjoy a civil debate on the issues with facts, I don't believe that the opinion should hinge on"because I said so" as medi does. He doesn't debate, at least with me, he attempts to belittle, denigrate, and disrespect, oh yeah, he threatens to shoot me in the back. Quite mature don't you think?
I apologize to you if I've caused any offense..
Hey assbreath, I said "If" I were to shoot you, it would be face to face. It was you, remember who accused me of wanting to shoot you in the back, My response: "if" I were to shoot you, Id like to see your face, to see the pain. So there you go with stretching the truth as you see it. Yeah I'll call you names, just as you do to me. I doubt that all your "facts" are really factual. I think you live in a world of confusion and hate. Where did you say you lived? ~LOL~.
Well, in sticking up for Med (I can't believe I said that), he's no cop. I will say though, that he's one of the most misinformed/uninformed poster to ever put print to screen in this forum.

Oh yeah, when he was growing, based upon the sample he gave me, he grew some of the worst pot on the planet. :lol:

Well, in sticking up for Med (I can't believe I said that), he's no cop. I will say though, that he's one of the most misinformed/uninformed poster to ever put print to screen in this forum.

Oh yeah, when he was growing, based upon the sample he gave me, he grew some of the worst pot on the planet. :lol:

Worst pot, ~LOL~, it was so powerful that he wierded out, smoked too much, as he was so used to that bunk he grows, he just overdosed. When your used to a peashooter, it's hard to handle a cannon. Misinformed/uninformed, oh that's right, because I disagree with you. Yeah I'm no nazi/fascist, that's for sure.
Mexicans began firing rockets into Pheonix today declaring they want Arizona back. The Spanish world was overjoyed at the attack but when the U.S responded by defending themselves, they were immediately condemned as an aggressor.

Sounds ridiculous doesn't it.......

***** Please ...Med man is no cop ... he failed the drug test, not that he didn't try out tho... :mrgreen: he's got enough misguided concepts to be one... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
Hey assbreath, I said "If" I were to shoot you, it would be face to face. It was you, remember who accused me of wanting to shoot you in the back, My response: "if" I were to shoot you, Id like to see your face, to see the pain. So there you go with stretching the truth as you see it. Yeah I'll call you names, just as you do to me. I doubt that all your "facts" are really factual. I think you live in a world of confusion and hate. Where did you say you lived? ~LOL~.
You are the hate .You are the hate filled one, you bitch about my opinion , you bitch about others opinions, you may
read the posts of others, but don't comprehend them What do you know of facts, others than those you fabricate. You complain when others work for what they have and call them gredy yet you admit ti having your toys. So tell me, why is Vi wrong for having investments which you claim indicate greed, but you have your hotrods.which you don't need. Here, you accuse me of supporting Israels overblown reaction when I didn't. By the way you are the were the instigator when I didn't kiss your ass and agree with all of what you were saying. But then again you seem to be into revisionist history Andf yeah, you threatened to shoot me, I said I wouldn't want to be in a fire fight with you as you'd blame me for the shit. Read the posts if you are able.
Again you make general accusatios..nothing particular. When I requst specifics you insult, when I ask for facts, you call me names..Now, for all these others, what "facts" do you dispute? If what I say is my opinion, then I so indicate. If I state a fact, I usually qoute the source, can you claim the same, cop? As to why I know you're a're in a place for pot heads yet by your own admission you haven't smoked in 20 yrs. When confronted with a fact that doesn't fit with what you want, you get disrespectful and call others names, another LEO stunt. When queried as to your facts, you bluster and again insult and call namers, a LEO trick.
i have yet to see you in any grow forums, only political ones.. Why here? There are numerous pol forum online that are dedicated TO why here? LEO
So, which of my stated facts not my opinion do you disagree with ?
I never disrespected your opinion med but you jumped on everyone who didn't agree with yours..truly adult and mature.
Well, in sticking up for Med (I can't believe I said that), he's no cop. I will say though, that he's one of the most misinformed/uninformed poster to ever put print to screen in this forum.

Oh yeah, when he was growing, based upon the sample he gave me, he grew some of the worst pot on the planet.

Based on his attitude towards me he damn sure acts like a cop. So I take it his calling me a Nazi is acceptable, but my calling him a cop isn't. i didn't see anyone making comments about that . The most reviled mass murderers in recent history, and being compared to them, in RT, for me, would result in a stronger response than words.
I haven't seen any posts telling him to lighten up, or asking him to refrain from the Nazi label, but , damn, I call him a cop and I get crap. go figure.
Am I to understand that new folks are fair game to be maltreated?
Well, I will admit to not reading every post before coming on..... I usually start at the front page and then go to the last.... if they are anywhere still on topic :lol: .. I'll muddle through.

Hey, who hasn't been called a NAZI by Med Man? That might be a quicker way to get an answer... :mrgreen:

Anonymity takes away certain social filters in my opinion, and flaws can sometimes be amplified. Med man is at pretty much full volume (I hope).... of course we have no idea what twisted childhood he endured to make him into such a vinegar pustule.... :lol: ... but that's anonymity for yah.....

No, you are not fair game because you are new...... we're just used to the rants of a few and not so proud.

Congratulations, you've been virtually sideswiped!

Welcome...... :peace:

out. :blsmoke: Das kaput.
Well, I will admit to not reading every post before coming on..... I usually start at the front page and then go to the last.... if they are anywhere still on topic :lol: .. I'll muddle through.

Hey, who hasn't been called a NAZI by Med Man? That might be a quicker way to get an answer... :mrgreen:

Anonymity takes away certain social filters in my opinion, and flaws can sometimes be amplified. Med man is at pretty much full volume (I hope).... of course we have no idea what twisted childhood he endured to make him into such a vinegar pustule.... :lol: ... but that's anonymity for yah.....

No, you are not fair game because you are new...... we're just used to the rants of a few and not so proud.

Congratulations, you've been virtually sideswiped!

Welcome...... :peace:

out. :blsmoke: Das kaput.
Just curious then, why not rebuke him as well? Most of his verbal diarrhea is nbd, but that Nazi crap is huntin' words.And yeah, being able to hide online does make for brave words when they don't have to be backed up. It makes one wonder for what is he compensating for, don't it *lol*
Mexicans began firing rockets into Pheonix today declaring they want Arizona back. The Spanish world was overjoyed at the attack but when the U.S responded by defending themselves, they were immediately condemned as an aggressor.

Sounds ridiculous doesn't it.......
Yeah if it was a correct anothgy lol. What if the u.s was building a wall 50 miles inside of mexico, alowwing american citizens to move to mexico and than building walls around the town with military check points, blockading mexico so the people suffer in ghettos amid squalor. And you wonder why they resist lol:wall:
One other aspect of this is the West Bank. There, the majority is Fatah, a more moderate group than Hamas.. Hey(pondering) a 2 party dysfunctional system..Looks as if they are trying to emulate U.S.!! I know, we "supposedly have more than 2 parties but....There are no disputes that can be settled unless and until all sides admit that there are common grounds. If the history of that region were more carefully studied by all involved parties, then I believe that the gulf between them might narrow..then again might not.
I'ts like this week A has the land..the next B has it then C and so on. A score card is need ., with maps'n arrows, 'n circles ''n 8x10 color glossies...
That would mean following all of his posts which would be a real DOWNER..... I've been down the political blog road before and I find one thing is almost always true.... only an open mind is able to change. No matter how much you brain wrestle someone to the mat like Med man, he's not able to change. Once I learned those lessons I stopped pounding people like him into the political pavement (which is quite easy)...... and took the high road. One of the reasons I come here now mostly is I got burned out on the serious pol blogs.... no matter how much you prove your points with data and facts, there's always another economically blind guy ready to argue with some point you just get off the treadmill.

Thank Ra for weed......

out. :blsmoke:
Talk about extreme Biase and predjudice. This post takes the cake. How one can equate the palestinian conflict with any fairness is beyond comprehension. It's like taking a thousand pound hammer to swat a fly. In essence, the israelis are holding the palestinians in controlled concentration camps, and then bombing them, like penning up a bunch of cattle and lighting fire to the corral, then being amazed when the cattle stampede. It is wrong wrong wrong.

Personally, I think the thought of giving Hamas Nukes is idiotic.

I'd sooner Nuke both Israel and Palestine than give the Palestinians Nukes.

Though failing either of those happy extremes, perhaps a more moderate course of minding our own damn business could be adopted.

Let Israel and Palestine settle their difference, all the while following the advice of the founders of this nation and butting the hell out. Something about not getting involved in foreign entanglements...

Of course personally, I see nothing wrong with Israel's action... Maybe that's just my Italian blood speaking from a guilty conscience knowing that it was my ancestors that forced them out of Israel...

Not that they weren't warned by their God that their unholy path was going to have that end... maybe I shouldn't feel that guilty.

All the same... let the Israelis teach the Palestinians a harsh lesson. Seems to me that the entire Palestinian demand that they have their own nation was met, and now they are just proving that the only thing they should have been given was a bullet in the middle of the head. They have their inch and now they demand a mile...
This is all nice and fine to banter about but the real crisis has yet to present itself...this is a sideshow to what is coming..... luckily we have a completely qualified president. :roll:

Hamas thinks nothing of firing onto civilian populations killing women and children.
Hamas also thinks nothing of hiding behind their own women and children after they have finished the above killing..... the only uniform they are qualified to wear is with a yellow stripe down the back.

out. :blsmoke:
Hamas also thinks nothing of hiding behind their own women and children after they have finished the above killing..... the only uniform they are qualified to wear is with a yellow stripe down the back.

out. :blsmoke:
Where are they supposed to go a battle field lol, Gaza is where they live lol thats where there family lives. All of gaza is occupied by civilians, How else should the Men of Gaza defend there homes?
The truly sad aspect is that he's not alone in the "I've made up my mind..don't confuse me with facts. I just saw on Fox that Harry Reid has decided that Blago's appointee will NOT take his seat today, and that HE ,H.R. has posted armed guards to keep him out. Now, as was pointed out by the "expert" , H.R. doesn't have the authority to do anything about the situation..but that hasn't stopped him.. A seemingly typical Social Democrat action to take, you know.."there, there, little people" I/we know how to take care of you since you don't have the intelligence to take care of your self. Now I know that isn't the attitude of all dems, but assuredly the most vocal.
Let Israel and Palestine settle their difference, all the while following the advice of the founders of this nation and butting the hell out. Something about not getting involved in foreign entanglements...
Remember TBT 30 billion a year of your tax payer dollars are going to country that has a first rate economy and the strongest military in the the middle east and 200 nukes. They take are money and ignore us when we tell them to stop building jewish settlements in the west bank. The Israelis say fuck you america. Americans are bankrolling this occupation of the palestinians and the rest of the world knows it. That is a big reason for the hatred of the united states in the islamic world, and one of the stated reasons why Bin laden attacked the U.S. Are UNCONDITIONAL support for Israel hurts Americas interests
Where are they supposed to go a battle field lol, Gaza is where they live lol thats where there family lives. All of gaza is occupied by civilians, How else should the Men of Gaza defend there homes?

I haven';t looked at a map, but there must be areas that aren't occupied where Hamas could have their military bases.
Just on fox.. A Palestinian tv reporter, at the site of that bombed mosque, interviewed the 13 year old girl neighbor of the mosque, that now that you're on worldwide TV what would you like to say to the world..She said that she blamed Hamas for the bombings, destruction of the mosque, her house, and the death of her family...unsurprisingly, the broadcast was terminated.. Hmmm