Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

Remember TBT 30 billion a year of your tax payer dollars are going to country that has a first rate economy and the strongest military in the the middle east and 200 nukes. They take are money and ignore us when we tell them to stop building jewish settlements in the west bank. The Israelis say fuck you america. Americans are bankrolling this occupation of the palestinians and the rest of the world knows it. That is a big reason for the hatred of the united states in the islamic world, and one of the stated reasons why Bin laden attacked the U.S. Are UNCONDITIONAL support for Israel hurts Americas interests
Not trying to give offense, how is it unconstitutional? Ill advised I agree, but unconstitutional? As to occupation, Israel did win that in their war. What are the chances, had Egypt , or Syria won, what are the odds that either one of them would return the land?Lest it be forgotten there are no other Arab countries that want Hamas , or recognize it as the legitimate governing body of the Palestinians , and that the election was won on intimidation , threats, payola, and assassination. another lesson from the west..without the killin'.*lol*
No offense taken:leaf:
That's true, but our image is shit most places, mostly because our citizens have a stronger voice in the Gov't without fear of being shot, tortured, or imprisoned. Also that , at least, by law, everyone is equal regardless of sex, (or lack thereof) race, creed,( no idea what that means),or religious affiliation. Can you imagine the Catholics and the Southern Baptists going at it? *g* or the snake handler( after throwing timber rattler at foe) Be healed my
Israel didn't win shit...
Do yo urealy theink the jews came from europe with jets and tanks in their bags? They were given these by the western powers to act as their own little empire in the middle east.

Not trying to give offense, how is it unconstitutional? Ill advised I agree, but unconstitutional? As to occupation, Israel did win that in their war. What are the chances, had Egypt , or Syria won, what are the odds that either one of them would return the land?Lest it be forgotten there are no other Arab countries that want Hamas , or recognize it as the legitimate governing body of the Palestinians , and that the election was won on intimidation , threats, payola, and assassination. another lesson from the west..without the killin'.*lol*
That's true, but our image is shit most places, mostly because our citizens have a stronger voice in the Gov't without fear of being shot, tortured, or imprisoned. Also that , at least, by law, everyone is equal regardless of sex, (or lack thereof) race, creed,( no idea what that means),or religious affiliation. Can you imagine the Catholics and the Southern Baptists going at it? *g* or the snake handler( after throwing timber rattler at foe) Be healed my
Just so they don't throw those Mojave greens, those are some bad ass snakes. If you get bit by one of those, you're pretty much done for, unless you get some anti-venom right away.
Where are they supposed to go a battle field lol, Gaza is where they live lol thats where there family lives. All of gaza is occupied by civilians, How else should the Men of Gaza defend there homes?

So they have no choice but to fire rockets into civilians? You are not serious....???

So if the U.S. decided to use these tactics, you'd be fine with it.....right?

out. :blsmoke:
Uhh you don't think.... you splatter and see what sticks....

Don't disrespect our troops...

out. :blsmoke:
UUhhhhh...Assssbreath, I don't disrespect troops, I was one, were you? I was referring to our leaders that order that kind of mayhem. I never rocketed anyone, but our country has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians, and they are still doing so. In Afghanistan, even Hamid Karsi, our puppet installed leader has taken us to task for killing civilians. Kiss kiss.
The conflict between Israel and the palastinians is just like the "Hatfield and McCoys " story. They have a mutual hate and distrust, it will never change. What I know for sure is that if someone was firing rockets into my town I would squish them, I would NOT respond in kind , fuck that. AND, what pisses me off is all of the hand wringers here and abroad who blame all this on the Israelis , as I recall Hamas and Israel signed a agreement , whereby Israel would leave the Gaza ( remember the ruckus that was raised by the Israli army forcing the settllers out ) and there was supposed to be a cease fire . Hamas never stopped fireing the rockets into Israel , so what is Israel supposed to do ?
so what is Israel supposed to do ?
Stop occuping the west bank and go back to Israel, the israeli's who illegally built homes in the west bank need to go back to Israel, Stop blockading the Gaza strip, stop requiring palestians to pass through hundreds checkpoints in there own towns
So they have no choice but to fire rockets into civilians? You are not serious....???

So if the U.S. decided to use these tactics, you'd be fine with it.....right?

out. :blsmoke:
Maybe they should just ask Israel to leave the west bank nicely lol I bet they will stop building jewish settlement in the west bank. Do you think the British would have left America if some brave men didn't step up and fight for their freedom. Sometimes armed resistance is the only means. Its kinda of interesting that palestians learned the tactic of terrorism from the Israeli founding fathers (google king david hotel) who used it against the British when they occupied the land
I can't claim to know everything about the world but isn't building a home in that area basically like building a home between Texas and Mexico? I don't think either nation state should be able to tell their people they can't build there if the person has some ownership of the land.

As far as my understanding with this whole thing, Israel is claiming that they DO NOT want to reoccupy the Gaza Strip, they just want to chase Hammas out of there so they will stop randomly and aimlessly shooting rockets into their schools, civilian areas, etc. That would suck if Canada or Mexico started doing that to the U.S. I think we would probably bomb the shit out of them for doing it too. Of course at first we'd say "Canada, What the HELL?"
One of Hamas latest rockets hit a school..fortunately it classes had been canceled that day due to "expected heavy rocket fall" And we think we've got it bad with snow!
Stop occuping the west bank and go back to Israel, the israeli's who illegally built homes in the west bank need to go back to Israel, Stop blockading the Gaza strip, stop requiring palestians to pass through hundreds checkpoints in there own towns

Seems to be working out fine with the Gaza situation.....
See when you lose a war, you don't get your lost territory back....that's the way it works. When you break every peace ever put together with terrorism, you lose your credibility or trustworthiness....that's the way that works as well.

War is supposed to be a risk...that's why there are built in aversions..... unless the world enables you to keep going destroying innocent lives with an inability to ACT.

Who's responsible for the misery in Palestine? That's an easy one, the Arab nations.....

Way to not answer the question Natrone...tho i didn't think you were able anyways.....

out. :blsmoke:
See when you lose a war, you don't get your lost territory back....that's the way it works. When you break every peace ever put together with terrorism, you lose your credibility or trustworthiness....that's the way that works as well.

War is supposed to be a risk...that's why there are built in aversions..... unless the world enables you to keep going destroying innocent lives with an inability to ACT.

Who's responsible for the misery in Palestine? That's an easy one, the Arab nations.....

Way to not answer the question Natrone...tho i didn't think you were able anyways.....

out. :blsmoke:
Amen, and a = rep.

Oh, also..Today's superstition is tomorrows religion Paganism rules*lol*