how about those coffee grinds?


Active Member
Lets put this one to rest i've gotten multiple answers on the whole coffee grinds in the soil. I heard it was great for em and i heard they were to acidic so what is it guys?


Well-Known Member
Lets put this one to rest i've gotten multiple answers on the whole coffee grinds in the soil. I heard it was great for em and i heard they were to acidic so what is it guys?
Well according to this article they are good for it. Maintains a PH of 6.5-6.8 for the soil. That's prime range for the plants we grow, but is best used when still warm and fresh from the pot.

Damn, too small to read.
PM if ya' want me to send it to ya'!!!!


dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
i've always heard throw it in your compost pile first... and helps the compost with nitrogen... starbucks gives away bags of used grounds, or at least they used too.


Well-Known Member
you canalso make a mulch on top of the soil in your buckets or bags. it help keep temps warm in certain climates, and slowly breaks down to add nitrigen. I would only use it on vegg plants.