I have heard that people do some crazy shit on ambien. Sleep walking, Sleep eating....even my friends wife takes ambien and she has had some nights of sleep f@cking. He told me she wakes up in the morning and she wont remember a thing. Crazy
i had the same problems and xanax really helped..its just enough to keep me calm enough to fall asleep and stay asleep without feeling groggy the next day.I suffer from getting no sleep too. It's been happeneing for close to a year now and it really effects my life. I've tried Ambien and some other sleep aids which either don't work or they make me feel like crap. I've tried exercise and I smoke before bed. Nothing seems to work. I just lay there and my mind races....all night.
Xanax...thats all
i kill people. sssshhhhhhhhh
But if your sleeping, how would you remember?