Again, its not the real estate agents who drive the prices up, its supply and demand. What seller, in his/her right mind, would sell a home UNDER market unless there were extenuating circumstances?
When Government agencies are pressuring lenders to lend money to unqualified borrowers, even with 125% financing, it puts upward pressure on prices because there are to many buyers for existing inventory. Right now, we have just the opposite happening ... there is to much inventory, and to few buyers, and as a result real estate prices have dropped through the floor.
Maybe you can explain what real estate agents have to do with this. All we do is match willing buyers with willing sellers and guide the transaction through to a smooth closing so neither the buyer or seller end up in litigation. Do we make a commission for this? Hell yeah. Should we work for nothing? Hell no.
Are there unscrupulous real estate agents out there? Yes ... but very few, and they don't last in the business. The real estate business is pretty much self policing. When a crook is found out, no one shows his/her listings. If an agent has to sell all his/her listings on their own ... they quickly go out of business because the most valuable sales tool we have is the cooperative Multiple Listing Service.
Most agents build a business based upon honest dealings and excellent service to their clients because client referrals and repeat business is the way to last over the long-haul in this, or any business. Crooks don't last ... they are drummed out of the business even before the "officials" step in.
And miss ... your assertion that "MOST real estate agents are slimey mouth breathers," simply is not true. If you actually knew what was required of a successful agent, your jaw would hit the floor. Many enter the business, most are gone within a year.