Kinda Stupid Situation but still need help


Active Member
I have 10 plants in grodan that are about 3 weeks old on a black tray but since i didnt have pot to separate the roots, all the roots have mingled and tangled and now i dunno how to separate them...:wall: any ideas?


Well-Known Member
I have 10 plants in grodan that are about 3 weeks old on a black tray but since i didnt have pot to separate the roots, all the roots have mingled and tangled and now i dunno how to separate them...:wall: any ideas?
if you can run water over them to get rid of most the dirt and pull them apart without harming them but if you cant do that i say just put them in a bigger tray


Well-Known Member
Very carefully......I would kinda shake them a bit and water if needed. Dood, you shoulda taken better care of them. Thats like leaving a diaper on a baby for a week. :spew:


Well-Known Member
Very carefully......I would kinda shake them a bit and water if needed. Dood, you shoulda taken better care of them. Thats like leaving a diaper on a baby for a week. :spew:
yea thats the basic issue, is you waited to long and didnt do what you should have, no offense to ya man we all know there is those life situations that cause us distraction. but as the saying goes you made your bed now lay in it, so basically you just need to do what you can and learn what not to do for next time


Well-Known Member
Just take a knife and cut them apart. No big deal. It'll be the same level of shock as just transplanting them alone would have been so go easy on the light for a couple days after to let them recover.


Active Member
just put a black bag over them at like 5pm every day like for two week's that will force them the flower the one's that turn out to be male you know what to do as for the ladies just do your best.


Active Member
can i just put the grow rocks in the tray and put the whole tray under the 600w hps to flower it? or is that gonna be too crowded for the plants?


Well-Known Member
Probably won't give them enough root space, depends on the size of your cubes but anything less than 8" cubes I wouldn't try it under that kind of light. The plants need to have enough root area to keep up with the big light.

You could slide them off the tray all together and put that lump of plants on top of a bed of hydroton or something and then let them veg a little longer to get more roots down into it.

But cutting them apart really is not that big of a deal. All you would loose is a week or two to get the roots going again.


Well-Known Member
Just take a knife and cut them apart. No big deal. It'll be the same level of shock as just transplanting them alone would have been so go easy on the light for a couple days after to let them recover.

this is your best bet...when i transplant i actually slice up the sides of the root ball to lossen them up....saok in superthrive for a minute and replant...water with superthrive......done



just put a black bag over them at like 5pm every day like for two week's that will force them the flower the one's that turn out to be male you know what to do as for the ladies just do your best.
You could take his advice and know which ones are Fem's and just cut off the males at the root line, then no worry about tearing roots....But sexing plants isn't a good idea with "New" seeds. If you Veg. on a 18/6 cycle, they show their preflowers almost as quick as a 12/12 forced flower at 1ft tall and they don't get stressed. "New" seeds are getting used to your climate and any stress could make Hermaphrodites. I had Sensi s.skunk all turn hermie from heat stress outdoors. If you want seeds you need a male. Sometimes the seeds from the new parents are even better than the parent plants were.Plus you get hybrid vigor...bigger, faster plants. Plus, plants don't breath well covered up and if ANY light gets in it'll take forever to sex them. I'd get a small kiddie pool fill it with Pro-mix and bend the plants in different directions. Poke holes along the edge to tie them off. A friend once did the same thing and this worked great.