Molasses, what is it good for?


Well-Known Member
Wow, this thread has really turned into a big dick measuring competition. Good thing I have a small penis, so it doesn't matter. I'm glad to see everyone still has their ego intact and thriving.

Use molasses or don't use the shit. Who the fuck cares? I guess if you keep showing more pictures of your AMAZING! outdoor crop, it will make people change their minds. It's the same tactic that Bill O'Reilly uses (Maybe if I scream louder and over the other person, that will make me the "winner!"). Well sorry, but it doesn't make any of us the winner, only losers, and egotistical assholes for ever getting into a petty debate about the benefits (or not) of molasses.

On that note, molasses is used (Blackstrap Molasses), because it is full of iron, calcium, and other minor nutes, that feed the microbeasties in the soil, if you are using TLO. There was even an article about it a couple months ago in High Times, with an excerpt online about the benefits of using it by Jorge Cerventas (but I'm sure you know more about growing cannabis than he does, no doubt). Believe it or not, as I'm sure that the two with the "biggest dicks" on this thread will not. Ego will be the death of us humans. We come on this forum to learn new grow tips and to get help from our fellow comrades in the growing community. As I'm sure it's very satisifing to continuly post pictures of your huge crop, it is also very arrogent to attack people that use different methods than you, and then pose rhetorical questions about "How do I get such good results WITHOUT...", give me a break. (Good) Teachers don't barade their pupils. But then again, it seems like the winners of the biggest dick are on here, not to learn or teach, but to gloat about how awesome they are, and require that you show them "proof in pictures" of how awesome you can compare to them (which in itself is useless, because their dicks will never get smaller, and your pictures will always be shit to them).


Active Member
i dont see the point of using str8 molasses if u can buy nutes that have molasses/sugar in it i never tryd using str8 molasses but i bet fungus ngats will love it


Well-Known Member
Wow, this thread has really turned into a big dick measuring competition. Good thing I have a small penis, so it doesn't matter. I'm glad to see everyone still has their ego intact and thriving.

Use molasses or don't use the shit. Who the fuck cares? I guess if you keep showing more pictures of your AMAZING! outdoor crop, it will make people change their minds. It's the same tactic that Bill O'Reilly uses (Maybe if I scream louder and over the other person, that will make me the "winner!"). Well sorry, but it doesn't make any of us the winner, only losers, and egotistical assholes for ever getting into a petty debate about the benefits (or not) of molasses.

On that note, molasses is used (Blackstrap Molasses), because it is full of iron, calcium, and other minor nutes, that feed the microbeasties in the soil, if you are using TLO. There was even an article about it a couple months ago in High Times, with an excerpt online about the benefits of using it by Jorge Cerventas (but I'm sure you know more about growing cannabis than he does, no doubt). Believe it or not, as I'm sure that the two with the "biggest dicks" on this thread will not. Ego will be the death of us humans. We come on this forum to learn new grow tips and to get help from our fellow comrades in the growing community. As I'm sure it's very satisifing to continuly post pictures of your huge crop, it is also very arrogent to attack people that use different methods than you, and then pose rhetorical questions about "How do I get such good results WITHOUT...", give me a break. (Good) Teachers don't barade their pupils. But then again, it seems like the winners of the biggest dick are on here, not to learn or teach, but to gloat about how awesome they are, and require that you show them "proof in pictures" of how awesome you can compare to them (which in itself is useless, because their dicks will never get smaller, and your pictures will always be shit to them).
that's funny, you bash us for showing our ego's. then straight up show yours.

i see people using only molasses throughout the whole grow. thinking the plant is feeding off it. i can only laugh.

i earned my ego and flash it proudly. you would too. :clap::weed:


Well-Known Member
Yep, It's pathetic, some people just have to have the last word, and or show some pics to say mines bigger than yours
so I must be the only one here that knows everything so you must listen to me.
How sad.


Well-Known Member
mole asses WTF????? can you use other types of asses for fertilizers?????


Active Member
molases is good. unless you know exactly what to mix into your soil and use mostly only water because all your nutes are in your soil, molases is good. its a low form of N-P-K aswell as lots of trace elements which is really good for the ladies.


Well-Known Member
molassis HUH! yEaaahh , what is iiit gooood for? some people say NOTHIN say it again . . .
think im gona have to giv it a go at some point and make my own mind up
same wi guano actually . . that just might be a bit harder to get


Well-Known Member

sorry ppl its just if thats all it does y not just use weak nutes
ive decided.

molasses i really dont reckon im gonna bother..... peace ppl let the dick measuring cease i suppose every ones entitled to theyr oppinion.... even if they are dreaming....

dont you think wed love fr mollases to be some kind super awsome magic grow shit... but sadly its not.... and theres no reasons to point out there is anything magical about it.... it has a few iof the nutrients needed to grow in it but so does
piss and shit...... but they dont have useless sugars in them and what not... i just reckon theres gotta be better shit out there for them.... mollases just doesnttickle my fancy atm.... i may c if it works one day but yeah i know heaps of others that will work....but still the main way to get a nice plant is TLC really and a good living environment in my views.