Gunned Down Cold In A Raw Deal

When I was a kid in school I always thought that it was funny they sent me home for misbehaving when that was where I really wanted to be anyways....sending a cop home and paying him isnt punishment. Its time off as a reward IMO.
This is a situation where if I was in anyway related to the man killed, I would find that officer, hogtie him, and kill him the exact same way. Maybe it was an accident, though.
Yes I am often shooting people by accident. I completely understand....not
that's bad... i doubt the cop intentionally killed the man though... i feel sorry for the family of the victim, and for the cop... there is no worse light you could be put into than killing an innocent man when you're a police officer.
that's bad... i doubt the cop intentionally killed the man though... i feel sorry for the family of the victim, and for the cop... there is no worse light you could be put into than killing an innocent man when you're a police officer.

i think out of respect for the man he killed, he could at least sit down and explain what happened.
They are all crooked man. I honestly havent met a str8 shooter yet. Most of them have issues. Alot of them need meds. The rest of them follow the crazy ones and are tight in there crooked med taking needy groups. And find pleasure in showing whos actually boss and call in reinforcements to justify what they know is wrong.
Id respect someone more even tho they represent things im against if they were at least honest. Honor means justice but nothing to followers. And followers cannot be justified. But we reward them anyway.
the cop who shot that kid, resigned today. there will be NO investigation. well, they are investigating, the cop just doesn't have to give an interview. he's gone. just walked away without saying a word.

*gunned down cold*

The cop should be jailed until his trial for murder. There will be a half assed investigation. His buddies will back him up.Case closed pun intended
this is a very sad but true story,
just think about his wife and his 4 year old daughter, how they must feel right now. the only justice for them is now their lawyer, he's gonna take it with the system now.
think about how would you be treated if you would shoot a cop??
your life would be over...
...but this guy still gets his chance, that's unfair.
because he's a cop??
is he a god or what??
where are the rules?? there are no rules for a cop.
i hate them so as they're stupid toys (:fire:guns:fire:).
"sporadic outburst of violence".

they went live to the news lady, as soon as she went on the air people started jumping in front of the camera. then they cut to the helicopter view. showed about 10 cops in riot gear running down the street. this is getting ugly.
Holy shit fdd! Did you watch the video!? The cops are hated man! Tons of people are yelling at them the guy probably panicked or was just a total cock sucker. Sad I wonder how long this cop will go to jail for?

Damn police . . .
Holy shit fdd! Did you watch the video!? The cops are hated man! Tons of people are yelling at them the guy probably panicked or was just a total cock sucker. Sad I wonder how long this cop will go to jail for?

Damn police . . .

he quit his job and walked away today. they are rioting in the streets. i'm watching it live right now.
Holy shit dude I might riot too if they let the cop get away with that! Some sad shit man too bad they are destroying their own damn neighborhood. :sad:

they haven't really destroy much. broke all the windows out of the Mickey D's. burnt a few dumpsters. i appears someone ran out and may have set their own car on fire for the insurance. it was just a random car in front of an apartment complex. i think the were just trying to say "we could get ugly".

the mayor is trying to calm everyone. he is literally standing in the street talking to them all. surrounded by every cop in the bay area of course.