Breeding Journal

well Here are some new pics I havent ordered my sub pump yet because of the holidays.. sorry guys the pictures aren't to impressive I had heat and cold problems trying to root clones in temps as low as 30 and as high as 90 is kinda of a hard thing to do. so here are some shitty clones that rooted. the funny thing is the healthy looking clones havent rooted yet!! but since Ive started to use a heating pad.. there are new roots on the who knows lets just wait to see if I can pull this off in harsh climates??



Well-Known Member
i am also doing some breeding myself. i have a few Q's about timing for when i should pollinate. PM me. you grow looks great. is that water hole were you are going to be getting you water next seson?
No comment on that.. but males release pollin before the females start to flower so usally you would want a neither room for you male or males, and then you paint on the pollen about 3 weeks into flower on you females before you inpregnate them but I will show more soon.. and I pm you later when I get back home
i am also doing some breeding myself. i have a few Q's about timing for when i should pollinate. PM me. you grow looks great. is that water hole were you are going to be getting you water next seson?


Well-Known Member
No comment on that.. but males release pollin before the females start to flower so usally you would want a neither room for you male or males, and then you paint on the pollen about 3 weeks into flower on you females before you inpregnate them but I will show more soon.. and I pm you later when I get back home
ha ha 3 weeks is what i needed to hear. i will have pics up soon check out my grow and let me know what you think
alright this is the trick.. This is not my first or last run.. I have kept males but never pollinated them.. but its not always easy for me to get cuts.. so in order for me to keep a strain I have to save a mom, or try to reveg if you look at my pics the big plant is a revegged mom.. Thats why I want seeds

With that said, I have done alot of research on breeding but not only cannabis. I had a beautiful hybicus plant that I could not clone I tried and tried, but never did I get any roots? so I tried to figure out how the f*ck does a plant in the wild that doesnt produce seeds regenerate? lol.. I still dont know..

But yes the trick is to build a seperate room that can hold your male plant or plants.. because they produce pollin before the females have a chance to flower.. so in the long run if you keep your females and males in the same room. it will be out of wack. I think thats how you end up with hermies and bullshit seeded plants the key is to control the male, like in raising cattle you only keep your biggest, strongest and healthiest bull.. well its the same concept with MJ.

Thus this being said. let me make it clear you dont need any badass hps's or MH's to get pollin from the male. Just good genetics. That is the main factor here! So you can build a little box that is vented OUTSIDE your grow room.. and then collect the pollin from the males and it stays good if refridgerated or frozen for a long time. Just as seeds would.. but I would not test

And I have seen the pollin applied at the early stages of flower.. so of course it would probably be better to use a long flowering sativa to use as a female.. the first couple of pictures in my journal of the large flowering plants are sour thia, and amneshia haze.. And from the source which I got the clones, had told me those strains could take up to 200 days in flower. I maybe wrong and he will probably comment if I am.. ASS HOLE J/k man..


Alright Ive been using 20 ml of problend By botincare, and 10 ml of tiger bloom, and 10 ml magi-cal and about 7ml of ph down per about 5 gallons of water..

Which Ive never been real sure about my ph.. I always use coco so its pretty much ph neutral. But My water on the other hand is at 8.0 with out nutes. And so I dont RO water I instead let my water sit for 24 hours with two air stones in a 5 gallon bucket to let the cholrine evaporate and to give oxygen to the water.

I havent really started counting days yet but as soon as show new growth thats when I will start to count..

But Im still worried my seeds wont come out of the coco. They busted open but never came up out of the ground? so this might not have anything to due with breeding.. sorry guys.. But I will promise some great pics just probably wont be able to get a male plant..LOL

Funny how that works out. There are a ton of people That are hoping to get female plants.. I am hoping to get a male.. maybe I can trade with someone lol ..
