pan they took out the pic of Moose and i'm in suspence is there anyway to see? it has to be big if fdd was impressed.
was the smoke as good as the rest of the plants? any drawbacks?
Photobucket dumped a bunch of my pics,i'll have to look around to see if i still have any pics of that plant.
The smoke was perfect.
ok so i got sucked in to this one to...i was on my way out the door to the garden store to pick some up but went back through to make sure i got the right stuff. i was wondering if you could straiten something out for me?i looked at the beginning of the thread and you said that you used root tone and then closer to the end i think you said take root, since i believe these are both products i must ask![]()
hey panhead... what do you think about adding take root to my plants that i just supercropped... They arent in flower yet... do you think it would make her heal quicker and get thicker too?... Did you do any more experiments with this?
I think adding Take Root will surely do "something" to the plants but what effect i couldnt say for sure,from what we discovered the indole-3 butyric acid is a type of plant hormone that kinda acts like steroids for plants.
I cant remember exact ratios or feeding schedules but i do remember getting mixed results between different plants,im going to have to re read the thread pretty soon to get back up to speed with all of this since its been so long since we stopped messing with the cloning products.
Some details i remember vividly though.
The calyx growth was explosive & when i say explosive i really mean explosive,on a level ive never seen any other plant come close to,every day i'd look at the plant it packed on new calyxs all over the plant,calyxs on top of calyxs daily,it was the coolest shit to watch,its been the only time that ive ever been able to see bud growth on a daily basis,the growth rate of the main cola was obvious it was so fast & the calyxs were so swollen.
I cant remember off hand how long the moose budded for but i do remember she went longer than the rest of the crop,even when the other plants trichomes were mostly honey colored hers were only milky white,while the other plants hairs were turning red all over she was packing on new white hairs daily,it was some strange shit to watch happen.
I also remember others getting deformed plants ,or weird growths on their plants,this is why i say im sure feeding it to the plant will have an effect but i cant say what that effect might be.
Full break down on my thread in SIG........ Indole 3= IBB or IBA
It seems to me that you had good success due to the product and how it was administered... My question was you think it was also because you were flowering?... when you say there were diferent you mean other peoples results.. or on your own plants administering 5 tablespoons in 1 gallon?
I did read the whole thread
Ok,i read this question yesterday & i had to think about it for a while before i had an answer.
Alot happened in those experiments on my end with different plants,i used 2 fully budding females at different intrervals of the bud cycle,i also treated some seedlings as well as some clones,i used different methods as well,some were fed the mixture through the root system while others were treated with a paste mixture applied directly to the stalk.
The moose plant was the only plant where i had 100% success,some of the seedlings grew out to be twisted plants with defects,the ones that i grew all the way out blended right in with the rest of the grow & showed no signs of any added growth.
Going from memory the best delievery method for me seemed to be by making a paste out of the root tone, then disolving the paste in the water to be fed to the plant,this is where i had a 50/50 success ratio & what developed the moose.
On your question im pretty sure that because i was in flowering is a large part of why i had such great success with the moose,no other plants showed the same growth bursts.
Im still looking for pics of the moose,the camera i used was one of the 1st digi cameras & takes floppy discs so i got alot of discs to look through,the only pic i could find so far is the pic that msmcgregor copied from the thread & made my avatar out of.
once you get so far you need things to advance some how.working outside the box.![]()
I was thinking that big ol bud was going to be the moose's
Do you recall what week in flowering you gave her the 5 tablespoon bomb?
i gave all the girls names today and took comparison pics.
the first is the five that i gave 3 tablespoons IBA per gallon water,and the stuff i used is in that pic.
i've always assumed that acid is acidic but not this stuff,i first used tap water to make five gallons and it was cloudy and would not ph i used 4 times the amount of ph down in this 5 gal as i do in a 35 gallon can and didn't budge so i got nervous and dumped it out and used RO water and used as much as i usually do for 35 gal and stopped, its at just over 7 think they'll be fine![]()
PANHEAD : Im glad you guys started this hormone stuff again,it was alot of fun for me the last time around,im looking foward to doing it again myself.
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