AeroFlo 60 Grow Thread


Active Member
This is my first grow in the new Aeroflo 60 that I just purchased. I am running 4 600s. SolorMax Bulbs (90,000 Lumens) Lumatek Digital Ballasts. I am using The fora Series Nutrients. Flora Gro Flora Micro and Flora Bloom. I will also be using Hydroguard as well as Hygrozyme. All 60 plants were transplanted into the system yesterday. The strain is Grand Daddy Purple. A 100% Indica Strain. All 60 plants were fully rooted in 1 inch rockwool cubes prior to tranplant. They are in the 3 inch baskets with hydroton all around it. I am not using the crappy coco cups that cam with it. I ran the system with straight water for the first 8 hours then I added 2.5 Grow per gallon and 2.5 Micro per gallon. The Current PH is 5.5. PPM is 550 and Water temp is 73 (a bit high to me what do you think)? The canopy temp is 79 F and the RH is 39%. All 4 lights are air-cooled and currently approx 22 inches above plants. I also added an airpump with 4 airstones to the resevoir. I set the oxygen level to the max. I have succesfully done many soil grows but this is my first experiment with aeroponics. Please give all your best advice. I will update the thread with pics once a day. I have a goal of 3 Lbs minimum. I plan to lolipop and use netting. I will leave it up to you guys on telling me when to flower. I want to see the roots take off first. In each chamber i raised the water level right up to the bottom of the baskets. Is this OK. I dont want my plants to dye from over-watering. Please look at pics and advise. Thanks.


Uses the Rollitup profile
None of those links work for me, but it doesn't matter, I don't need to see newly rooted cuttings. Yes, keep the water level high in the tubes until you have a lot of roots growing out of the net pots. The Flora series is a 3 part nutrient, you need to use all 3 all the time. The bloom is needed to help roots now. The most important part of that system is the nutrient solution, keep it less than 75F, and topped-off properly, and change it regularly, to be successful. As the plants get used to the lights, lower them to 15 inches over the tops of the plants.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
None of those links work for me, but it doesn't matter, I don't need to see newly rooted cuttings. Yes, keep the water level high in the tubes until you have a lot of roots growing out of the net pots. The Flora series is a 3 part nutrient, you need to use all 3 all the time. The bloom is needed to help roots now. The most important part of that system is the nutrient solution, keep it less than 75F, and topped-off properly, and change it regularly, to be successful. As the plants get used to the lights, lower them to 15 inches over the tops of the plants.

HTH :mrgreen:
OK we are starting day 3 now since i transplanted the rockwool cubes into the system. I do not see any growth yet, however I do see more roots starting to come out of the baskets. Some of them look a little droopy to me. Is it normal for them to be in shock after transplant and for how long? Is it possible to over-water in this system. Here are some new pics. Hopefully these ones work. I do not want to flip to bloom untill I start to notice growth. Perhaps at approx 8 to 12 inches. what do you all think. Also when do I add hydroguard and hygrozyme and how much of each. I do not want to get bacteria water temp is at 74F



Well-Known Member
your table looks perfect. your walls need a coat of paint though. lol
i don't know anything about aero but i will watch this grow.


Well-Known Member
throw a big bottle of ice into the res to lower the temps if you like, it will help, and a bottle is usually good for a day (lights on).

it's normal for the plants to look droopy with gh3, they grow quickly, and the vegetation is full of plant juice :p. they look great to me!

you remind me of someone... if i said great pot for everyone, would it ring a bell?


Well-Known Member
Yeah - SUPER NICE setup, Bra! Your room, lights, etc all look great! Thanks for posting pictures - I look forward to seeing your garden grow. I love the AeroFlo's - never had a real one but I've made a few of my own. They are a really fun DIY project. I've never grown boo in one, but my Mom kills it with butter leaf and basil in one I made for her birthday present! Not sure if you've seen this post on Roll It Up, but I've learned lots regarding aero gardening from this thread and continue to follow it...

The StinkBud system is similar to the AeroFlo, and all info in this thread is applicable.

3 pounds, huh? Yeah! Have you considered CO2?


Well-Known Member
looks good..if you had the space you could totally stager out that 60 site on both sides of the aroflow. and make a huge frame out of 2 by 4s and put up a screen...looks good..


Active Member
looks good..if you had the space you could totally stager out that 60 site on both sides of the aroflow. and make a huge frame out of 2 by 4s and put up a screen...looks good..
Today is 5 days since transplant. Lights have been on 18/6 (still in Veg). I have had to top off the resevoir twice now and added nutes with the top off at a rate of 2.5 grow 2.5 micro per gallon. I have not used bloom nor hygrozyme nor my hydroguard yet. I plan to flush the resevoir every 7 days (is this to often). I really dont want to flower untill my plants hit 22 inches. They are 100% indica and with this strain the have never doubled in height for me during flowerl. It looks like the plants are finally starting to grow a little. I had the leveles in the chambers raised up to the bottom of the baskets at first but lowered them about an inch today because i saw lots of root mass in the water (please look at pics and advise. Current PH is 5.1 PPM is 450 Nute temp is 70-74. Please give me the best advise I will try to update more pics each day. Again, goal is 3Lbs and I do plan to use CO2 in flower. AF-Gooey hit 3.1 LBs with same set up and 12 of his plants didnt make it.


Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
I think you should raise ph to 5.8. Nutes ppm looks good. I would start to use c02 as soon as you can. I just got my Co2 hooked up and my plants have exploded.


Active Member
looking good bro ill subscribe and stay posted. +rep
Today is day 6 so far i have only used grow and micro. i want to flush the resevoir. It scras me a bit with my temp going between 71-74. I want to flush and start with 2.5 grow 2.5 micro 2.5 bloom. I would like to add hydroguard as well but how much per gallon. I will kill myself if i get bacteria. I dont know what it looks like. Also i think the PH of 5.2 is perfect. Thats what they say is best in the FAq section. IT says between 5.2 and 5.8 but 5.2 is best?


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, you don't seem to be listening to what we're telling you, so why not try this. Read the labels on your nutrients, and follow the directions.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i built a knock-off of the aeroflo, not in use yet, my clones roots turned brown and slimey from high temps, i am looking to cancel the whole hydro thing, but i dont want to lug 15 5gal buckets, the hygrozyme has been in use for 4 days now and i have lots of new white shoots, USE THE HYGROZYME ASAP!!!! 8-10ml per gal bro, my only issue is trying to keep the temp down, i am affraid of getting root rot thats why im hesitant to use the aero system....get that hygroyme going so you dont get stuck like me...also what will you do if your temps climb? use ice? buy an expensive water chiller?


Active Member
i built a knock-off of the aeroflo, not in use yet, my clones roots turned brown and slimey from high temps, i am looking to cancel the whole hydro thing, but i dont want to lug 15 5gal buckets, the hygrozyme has been in use for 4 days now and i have lots of new white shoots, USE THE HYGROZYME ASAP!!!! 8-10ml per gal bro, my only issue is trying to keep the temp down, i am affraid of getting root rot thats why im hesitant to use the aero system....get that hygroyme going so you dont get stuck like me...also what will you do if your temps climb? use ice? buy an expensive water chiller?
I am currently running 2.5 grow 2.5 bloom 2.5 micro 5ML Hydroguard. I am going to add hygrozyme tomorrow. I am also going to start the bottle of ice trick to keep the temps down. Thanks forr all of your advise thus far. Pot roast. I read the lables it says between 5.2 and 5.8 so I stabalized mine at 5.5 current PPM is 575. Anymore suggestions? I have aton of white roots and they have seem to grown more bushy then height thus far. Though the stalks of the clones have gotten insane. I will take close pics in the morning.


Active Member
I am about 2 weeks in with my aeroflo 60...Dont like puttin pics on but hey everything looks like it's going ok 4 u...I think you're worrying more than u have to. It shouldn't give u a problem


Well-Known Member
I think you should raise ph to 5.8.
I second this. I run an Aeroflo2, and noticed Calcium/magnesium deficiencies when the ph is too low. May just be the strain that I grow, though.

You can take that water level down, though. To really take advantage of the aeroponics in this system, you should have the drain tubes low, but I like to keep at least a 1/2 inch in the tubes as a safeguard in case the sprayer quits working.


Well-Known Member
Oh, yeah, and I wanted to ask you - Do you have problems with your trimeter when your digital ballasts are running? I know mine goes completely nutz. 2 of them actually, and 3 different ballasts, so I don't think any faulty equipment.