Omg inspector comming tuesday!!!

focus on this 1

Well-Known Member
Hi, So I have a little problem I just had a phone call telling me that tuesday an inspector is comming to each appartement to check eletricity. The problem is that I have 4 plants that I just put in flowring today and they are about 2ft high!!!! any ideas where to hide em ?

I tought about putting em in the car (inspection is 30 mins) but its like -20 outside.

what to do??


New Member
damn man, that sucks, put them in the shower with a dark thick shower curtain closed of course....hed be one weird fucker to go and open your shower curtain....make sure you have a very potent air freshener


Well-Known Member
Do you have a wardrobe/closet you could put them in?

I doubt anyone can really help you very much, since nobody except you knows the layout of your place etc.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
put them in a box and leave ur car running, have a homie drive it around, etc. funny u r using lots of electricity and they r checkin it, do you pay electricity or does ur landlord. if i was the landlord and i had a large electricity bill, i'd be checkin out everyone too! juicing ur landlord's power bill is kinda stealing too! if u pay the power, then forget i said anything bout that. just remember, every problem has a solution, just find it!


New Member
even better....if you have a gf or wife or roomate........ put the plants in the bathroom with her when the inspector comes....then have her sit in there for the first 10 mins, say shes taking a have her turn the shower on for 15 mins pretending to shower......the last 5 mons she will be getting really stoned so im just I bet it would work....good luck....

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
damn man, that sucks, put them in the shower with a dark thick shower curtain cloased of course....hed be one weird fucker to go and open your shower curtain....

captain792000, thats some funny sh1t, kinda played that one out in my mind like a movie. its nice to see a fellow captain out there!!!!! i salute you sir


New Member
damn man, that sucks, put them in the shower with a dark thick shower curtain cloased of course....hed be one weird fucker to go and open your shower curtain....

captain792000, thats some funny sh1t, kinda played that one out in my mind like a movie. its nice to see a fellow captain out there!!!!! i salute you sir
i salute you right back man....yeah, im willing to bet my second idea would work

focus on this 1

Well-Known Member
put them in a box and leave ur car running, have a homie drive it around, etc. funny u r using lots of electricity and they r checkin it, do you pay electricity or does ur landlord. if i was the landlord and i had a large electricity bill, i'd be checkin out everyone too! juicing ur landlord's power bill is kinda stealing too! if u pay the power, then forget i said anything bout that. just remember, every problem has a solution, just find it!
Nope everything is ok its only 4 plants under a 400hps , they are checking the whole building regular inspection of all the eletric system

focus on this 1

Well-Known Member
I got the solution Im going to uhault and buy 4 huge boxes put the plants in em next to other boxes. If the guy asks to check the boxes plan B is baseball bat ;)

focus on this 1

Well-Known Member
for the smell it dosent smell that bad since I put em in flower today. But hes not comming during the dark cycle that sucks I dont know what to expect , should I leave em under 12-12 after? hes only comming for 15 to 30 mins...

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
for an electrical inspection, the bathroom would be a bad move since it probably has outlets and maybe lights that need to be looked at. any room that has electricity is subject to the inspection, so excuses would only work so long before he needs to inspect. i like the box idea, but i like the idea of getting the plants out of your place a whole lot better, but whatevs....good luck

focus on this 1

Well-Known Member
for an electrical inspection, the bathroom would be a bad move since it probably has outlets and maybe lights that need to be looked at. any room that has electricity is subject to the inspection, so excuses would only work so long before he needs to inspect. i like the box idea, but i like the idea of getting the plants out of your place a whole lot better, but whatevs....good luck
at -20 CELCIUS taking the plants outside is a really bad idea, imagine the shock from +26 to -20:spew:


Well-Known Member
your screwed. one whiff of pot you will be busted. the accomplice might work, ie in the shower or bathroom while inspected, but depending what state your in i would be very worried... good luck

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
maybe your plants are small, or not a strain that is pungent, or not to a point where they start to stink, but i'd do whatever was in my power to make sure that someone wouldn't detect the slightest aroma, which i why i recommend getting the plants out of there probably a day ahead of time. this would give you no source for the smell and a while to air the place out. you don't have a buddy whose house you could put these at for a day? the temp change shouldn't do anything at all if they are just brought from your place to a car that has the heater on and then to a friends.