I Love LSD


Well-Known Member
I cant help it i love the stuff. I always wish i grew up around the san francisco hippie boom.

is their a Lsd Library here? Somthing with pictures of all kinds of crazy hits?
LSD is fantastic. I like to use it every few months if I can - it's a sort of emotional release that I find to be fairly healthy.
I wanna dose a group of unsuspecting people.

I almost poured a vial in a Ice machine one time at a place that I worked at.
I was afaid someone would freak out and get hurt.
Yeah. That's sort of cardinal ethical rule number one when dealing with hallucinogens.... Never dose an unsuspecting person. Consent is paramount. Just as you need to informed consent perform a medical experiment on someone, have sex with someone, or cause pain to another human being, you need consent to do that. I mean... seriously, imagine if it was done to you and you had no idea.

Not to say it hasn't been done, though. The United States government did this pretty extensively when they first started researching LSD for use as a chemical weapon. Although, I guess I should specify that the CIA did this; the Armed Forces also performed their own experiments, however. But unsuspecting military personnel and even countless civilians were dosed. And it seems to have fucked up at least a few people's lives. I imagine a number of them thought they were going completely insane, if they were given higher dosages. Of course, we'll never know the full extent of what was done, since all of the documentation was destroyed when there was an inquest into these heinous and reprehensible activities. Like the Tuskegee experiments, it's just wrong. Period.

Yeah, I've always thought of how screwed up it is that LSD is Schedule 1.

I mean, think about it! When Leary conducted his early experiments with it, he gave it to upstanding religious leaders (way back before it was a household name); priests, reverends, baptists, etc. Pretty much universally, they were in agreeance that they had THE MOST RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE OF THEIR LIVES. Years of training, teaching, preaching, soul healing, and LSD opened their minds to the divine the most. Astounding.

On the flip side, as Ethnobotanist mentioned, the Canadian and U.S. governments (chiefly the C.I.A.) conducted HIGHLY ILLEGAL experiments in testing the viability of acid as a truth serum, a weaponized hallucinogen, etc. They even went so far as to open brothels, and then blackmail the people who went into pretty much signing over their lives and their sanity to the tests.
Project MKULTRA, a C.I.A. project, was a truly sick endeavor. In some cases, they gave unsuspecting people LSD, then put them in a sensory deprivation chamber (they blind you, make it so you can't hear, gag you, then hoist you into the air so any sense of sight, sound, even gravity is taken away from you). In my worst nightmares I cannot picture anything worse.

But hey, whats tax dollars spent without results? After all, they did find a truth serum: dose up a person with a high dose of stimulants, then dose them with a high dose of relaxants/sedatives. Just before they stroke or die, they tell the truth.

God bless America.
lol ill try to get some pictures of whats goin around up... god that means ill end up doing some, nevermind :) Oh yeh and pls dont spike people- although the idea is hillarious (even more so when ur tripping) it is always a bad idea. A friend of mine was spiked with a few drops of liquid at about age 12 and locked in a cupboard by a wasted brother... suffice to say he is not quite right :(