Generator in apartment?


Active Member
I want to do a 5000watt grow in my apartment. I need a generator to run the lights and ac. Are there any quiet generator i can get out there? I was planning to completely sound proof the room from the ceiling to the floor. Do you think the sound will get out the room if someone lives below me?


Well-Known Member
I want to do a 5000watt grow in my apartment. I need a generator to run the lights and ac. Are there any quiet generator i can get out there? I was planning to completely sound proof the room from the ceiling to the floor. Do you think the sound will get out the room if someone lives below me?
This seems wrong on many levels due to the danger related to something producing so much heat and co2. That being said honda's are very quiet and can be placed on a rubber mat to avoid transferring vibration. A marine unit or other water cooled type would lower the heat and using a marine exhaust system to vent the co2 out through you plumbing vents. Its a type of co2 scrubber! Don't forget the co2 monitors.:!:


Well-Known Member
Vibrations are good for plants man. But yeah heat will be an insane issue too. Cant see it working sorry.


Well-Known Member
its not the co2 but the carbonmonoxide (co) that will kill ya so basically it would be stupid with stupid sauce...... cost a shitload a day to run,fuel figure at least 20 dollars a day x 60 days flowering at least = too much, not worth it...........


Active Member
This seems wrong on many levels due to the danger related to something producing so much heat and co2. That being said honda's are very quiet and can be placed on a rubber mat to avoid transferring vibration. A marine unit or other water cooled type would lower the heat and using a marine exhaust system to vent the co2 out through you plumbing vents. Its a type of co2 scrubber! Don't forget the co2 monitors.:!:

i can vent the fumes to the outside, im more worried about the sound and vibration as i dont want my neighbors under me to hear it. I dont really know much about sound deadener but will it keep all the rawkus inside that room?


Well-Known Member
That's certainly an adventurous idea you have,
but a bit dangerous (and costly)in my opinion.
I don't know much about generators but you will have to factor in
aircon and fans which means 6000 watts minimum.
How much will it cost to run, do you think it's worth the risk.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't even attempt to do this in a apartment.. Fuels people would be able to smell and the fact that the noise and vibration would attract someones attention.


Well-Known Member
That's certainly an adventurous idea you have,
but a bit dangerous (and costly)in my opinion.
I don't know much about generators but you will have to factor in
aircon and fans which means 6000 watts minimum.
How much will it cost to run, do you think it's worth the risk.
First of all thanks for catching my mistake about co2 and it should have been carbon monoxide. On to cost. I have a 5.5kw generator on my boat to run the ac, microwave, charger, inverter, and anything else I need. Under full load I go through 3/4 gallon of gas per hour, at $2 a gallon running all the time it runs me about $35 a day just to run the generator. Know lets say that its not under full load all the time, then my use drops to 1/3 gallon per hour. Now figure a 4 month grow your electrical cost would be $16 - $35 a day x 120 days = $2000-$4000 compared to $20-$50 dollars a month to plug it in. Now if it is to save cost, a buddy of mine installed two solar tubes in his shed and only runs the lights after the sun goes down and uses batteries, solar panels and a inverter and get 18 hours a day of sunlight with no electrical cost. Just food for thought.:?:


Well-Known Member
Another thing to consider... your neighbors might wonder why you're hauling gas cans into your apartment all the time, and any little spill or anything is going to make you and your apartment stink like gas/diesel, and the fumes are going to reek even if you're exhausting them outside. There are so many things that make it seem not worth the hassle.
I'm assuming the reasoning for this is that your landlord pays the utilities and you don't wanna draw suspicion, but it might be easier to come up with some excuse to be using all that power and offer to cover the cost. Tell them you have reptiles that need the lights and heaters on all the time, or something.


Well-Known Member
apartments are just about the absolute worst place you could grow man. if you are going to grow in a rental... then at least move into a mobile home out in the country where the landlord never wants to have anything to do with the property... get a medium to big dog or two and change the locks.

location, location, location


Well-Known Member
I want to do a 5000watt grow in my apartment. I need a generator to run the lights and ac. Are there any quiet generator i can get out there? I was planning to completely sound proof the room from the ceiling to the floor. Do you think the sound will get out the room if someone lives below me?
i dont think this is possible that you would be able to conceal the sound/vibration from me if i was living below a generator


Well-Known Member
I am sorry but this just sounds like a horrible not very well thought out idea that will more than likely cause a massive problem and potentially end up getting you caught.


Well-Known Member
if you can buy a generator you can save up a little more and buy a house put nowhere.:) patience. go small for a while. something to work for.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
those honda generators are still only slightly quieter than a lawn mower... and thats outside... not in a enclosed apartment room, that reflective sound is gonna be loud no matter how much sound proof you have... i don't know if you have ever priced sound proofing tiles... look it up on guitar centers web site... in other words don't do it.