Good Morning Everyone!
Here is a verbal Update.
Besides the 1 male that was found and destroyed, the others still have not shown sex. They are starting to preflowering though. I can see the calayx developing nicely. They look more pointey and raised like a females rather than small and ovalish like males
So, from the size of the plants, Time taking to show sex, Looks of the calayx (where the preflower emerges from) And the smell to the plants. I am 60% sure I have at least 2 females so far. The Afgan and Jerry Berry look like they will be female. The Afgani will show its true sexy anyday now. I am so excited. I hope its female!
I am about 90% sure that big afgan is female. I know a few of you are hoping it is just to see her develope. I know, she is a big fat girl. She has been topped twice, and is over a foot tall. I know Somebeech is eager to see what the Afgan produces. I am too because its a beast of a plant. Topping is easy, but if you know where to top, at what time, and at what node, to make the first top, then you can product a very fat plant, that will be nice and bushy. They do get tall too, but not as tall if you did not topp.
Some people perfer other methods. Thats fine, I just prefer to top. Thats all I have to do to get the results I get. I guarantee that Afgan is a high yielder if its a girl.
Anyways, I will work on posting up my nutes, and whats in my potion. Its great for all stages of growth, and will give you a strong plant, that will survive alot of new grower mistakes.
I will be working on it. Shouldnt take too long, but I have other things to do. Give me a few and Ill have it done.
Thanks again to everyone who has been following my grow!
Now I am off to smoke a phatty!
My biggest is 1ft 4inches. Getting pretty big. They are going to outgrow my grow area. Its ok though because I just have to take them out of where they are, and raise the light. I have up to my cieling, so they have enough room to grow