So where do you think the heat goes when using a cooltube? It does not magically neutralize it on the way down the duct. In fact, not PROPERLY using an air cooled reflector could result in a telltale heat signature. Not many houses have a constant 95F stream flowing from their roof or soffits. The only way to avoid arial flyover detection, is to isolate or neutralize the heat source. This means using IR shielding film and either venting heat through a stack which SHOULD be emitting that much heat, or a run far enough underground to allow for heat exchange. Alternatively a "perfect" room can be set up which does not affect the surrounding building in any way.well depends on your location... biggest numberone rule when growing "DO NOT TELL ANYONE" anyone at all... I know at times when you get everything down pat and you see your "secret garden" thriving vigurously you just wanna go out and brag... but keep it to your self.... all it takes is for one person that knows to get pissed at you or to open their mouth to someone and your done.... just keep it to yourself... another thing... if your around other houses... in a tight neighborhood smell and sound... ppl are nosey and believe it or not smell is a big issue for alot of ppl and a big danger... now like infared ... if your in a small town where everyone knows everyone chances are your local law enforcement 1 doesn't have a chopper and 2 do not have infared... but if your local law enforcement does have a chopper just pretend they do have infared.... but infared is easy to be undetected... check it... infared checks the heat sigs of your house... on their screen when they see a bright red heat sig in a room or closet or a certain area of the house it raises a "red flag" lol... if your grow room is 85 degrees and the rest of your house is (lets just say) 60 degrees it's going to show... so it's best to place many temp guages around the main areas of your house and keep your temps around the same as your grow room.... (living room, kitchen, dining room, comp room whatever) and use cool tubes... alot of heat is generated with hid's using a cool tube and a fan pointed at your light will keep your temps down and greatly lowers your chances of being detected by ir...
the absolute worsst thing you can do is show someone. and it usually wont get you busted, just your house ransacked by maggots while you aint home. another thing to think of is if you were one of those people running a 1000 watt system all day every day, light leakage to the outside can screw you. because some nosey neighbor looks in your window. smell is another way to attract helicopter is gonna fly over and see your grow. that happened to me but i was outside at my spot. i had to low crawl three billion miles through dirt water thorns and shit to get away. i went back a wqeek later it was all chopped down and all my water bottles and shovel etc.. were gone. if you had an entire house with moving lights and all that theyd probably finsd out from the electric company, then send a heli or cops in the form of electrical workers to your house. if your just growing a few plants to smoke and not trying to be the pablo escobar of ganja then as long as 10 people dont know about it youll be fine.......ive done a lot of reading and you can run a 600 watt lamp on the same amount of electricity as a refridgerator. your safe just be quite. its soooooo hard to not be like heyyy all my friends look how cool i am. i know i fight the temptaion all the time. but its something we have to do. were like the special forces of ganja. the quiter we are the safer we are. good luck bro
Use this to find out about using 4 x 400 watt envirolites, thats 1600w is this a red flag?
Lol, I must of read that out of context, didn't know we were talking about heat. Lol, i'm tired as hell.rofl /\ they have a red flag calculator ?
well depends on your location... biggest numberone rule when growing "DO NOT TELL ANYONE" anyone at all... I know at times when you get everything down pat and you see your "secret garden" thriving vigurously you just wanna go out and brag... but keep it to your self.... all it takes is for one person that knows to get pissed at you or to open their mouth to someone and your done.... just keep it to yourself... another thing... if your around other houses... in a tight neighborhood smell and sound... ppl are nosey and believe it or not smell is a big issue for alot of ppl and a big danger... now like infared ... if your in a small town where everyone knows everyone chances are your local law enforcement 1 doesn't have a chopper and 2 do not have infared... but if your local law enforcement does have a chopper just pretend they do have infared.... but infared is easy to be undetected... check it... infared checks the heat sigs of your house... on their screen when they see a bright red heat sig in a room or closet or a certain area of the house it raises a "red flag" lol... if your grow room is 85 degrees and the rest of your house is (lets just say) 60 degrees it's going to show... so it's best to place many temp guages around the main areas of your house and keep your temps around the same as your grow room.... (living room, kitchen, dining room, comp room whatever) and use cool tubes... alot of heat is generated with hid's using a cool tube and a fan pointed at your light will keep your temps down and greatly lowers your chances of being detected by ir...