When Can I Start Feeding My Baby's Nutes Their About 4 Days Old


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How Far Away Should The Light Be From My Plants.And My Round Leaves Are Turning Brown I Will Post Pic's Too
But Can Someone Please Help Me i Want To Feed Them So Bad


Well-Known Member
if you stems start you yellow and your leaves turn yellow then that means your babies are hungry.

Not all babies will do this, some have more nutes available in their shell than others

best light to use thoughout entire veg stage is HO Florescents 6500K. This is based on wattage and growth rate, also you won't get as much stretching

when feeding your babies with their first and second set of tru leaves showing, use 1/4 strength of week 1 nutes

always use ph water 5.5-6.0......5.8 is best for most hydro applications


Active Member
Im Using (2) 42 watt cfl and their about 2-3 inches away and i have a fan blowing so pretty much good ventilation
So what do you think man


Well-Known Member
check the stickys on the newb section..it should and will answer all any other questions you may have.


Active Member
i have one plant
ok my two lleaves with 3 blades just start growing
but they have some kind of golden hairs doesnt look crispy but hairy
is my plant dying those leaves just came out
thanks everyone


Active Member
Assuming you're growing in soil, you wont need nutes for several weeks, like dirtfree said. However, if youre growing in hydro, you should start out with 1/2 to 3/4 strength solution. Yeah, the sticky posts will hook you up with good info. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
might want to start a couple more seeds, what if this one is a male. I would hate for you to waste 2 months of work. Germinate a couple seeds, odds are better that way. Just a thought.