Zig Zag Zane
Well-Known Member
I KNO RIGHT! lol you get kinda happy cuz you think you might be able to talk to that person about growing on an experienced level, like about details and all, and setups ,nutes etc...but u find out the persons either lying or has 1 plant thats stretched,dead,has like 2 grams total on it lol... and check it out ... have you ever been around someone smoking or just at a get together and some lil punk goes ya dude i got some shit growing u shuld see it lol i'll speak up and be like really? whatta ya got... and they usually go she's about 6 foot tall I picked a leave off and smoked it got high as fuck lol (a leaf? ) i look at my wife and start laughing then i go whatta ya usin for light almost every time i get (BLACKLIGHT) lol it's so funny how uneducated many mj users are lol
I like this idea! lol a big suburb community and everyone grows and smokes....a weed sanctuaryroll it up people outa go and buy one of those huge foreclosed real estate developments and turn it into a stoners gated community