birth control pills

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
i ran across this today...A solution of one pill to one gallon of water has been reported to cause increased growth speed in tomato weed plants. It is possible this will help herb weed plants too. One treatment administered before flowering and one administered a few weeks before harvesting might help the weed plant mature faster.
One grower told a story of the same type of weed plants, one administered the estrogen grew to 20 feet, while the other was 7 feet. This may be purely anecdotal, but it may work. Try it and report back to us on results.



Oracle of Hallucinogens
Plants need estrogen to grow and produce estrogen-like chemicals. This may be valid. Don't always throw something away because we don't use it as a mainstream well known method.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
Plants need estrogen to grow and produce estrogen-like chemicals. This may be valid. Don't always throw something away because we don't use it as a mainstream well known method.
i totally dig exprimenting... i dont have access to BCP's, i can't ask my GF to get any BCP's for me w/o looking like a freak... she dosen't know i grow... yet /if ever... and i can't go to planned parent hood and easliy explain my situation... so i came to the best forum on the planet to see if procuring BCP's was worth the trouble... alot of other forums have this topic listed but they are annoying on my eyes... i like this one the best.... but anyways.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
i totally dig exprimenting... i dont have access to BCP's, i can't ask my GF to get any BCP's for me w/o looking like a freak... she dosen't know i grow... yet /if ever... and i can't go to planned parent hood and easliy explain my situation... so i came to the best forum on the planet to see if procuring BCP's was worth the trouble... alot of other forums have this topic listed but they are annoying on my eyes... i like this one the best.... but anyways.
Plan parenthood in your area? I believe they have estrogen supplements at wally world (remember, estrogen is not a controlled substance... only testosterone is).