Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway


Well-Known Member
thats what i also want to do.. some cloning

never was thinking about the jiffy pucks.... after i saw a guy on here clone with a regular cup of water.. thats when i started to question a lot of techniques, because i use to think you HAVE to use a rooting hormone to clone...

so yeah... when i get my chance o clone i'm shoving her in some MG...


Well-Known Member
at one point i was thinking about trying some MG organic mix... but after the complaints about gnats... i really don't need that headache... but it seems that people think weed grown organically is better... is that true?


Well-Known Member
I do the organics now....not MG organics. Organics has critters.
I still clone in MG. Hell I need clones that work..and I am lazy.


Well-Known Member
med growing? damn dude, you are a professional at this huh? so the next mix you use, you said its pre-dolomite... do you think i should look for a mixture that has that already or just buy some dolomite?

freedom... your lights are bright.. i thought that was the sun shining through your window ha


Well-Known Member
med growing? damn dude, you are a professional at this huh? so the next mix you use, you said its pre-dolomite... do you think i should look for a mixture that has that already or just buy some dolomite?

freedom... your lights are bright.. i thought that was the sun shining through your window ha
Just my meds...


Well-Known Member
Dolomite is cheap. I use a local mix now because soil went up with the shipping costs.
If what you do works keep doing it. MJ uses lots of cal/ mag.


Well-Known Member
I have had them(journals) needless to say that OG thing freaked me. I lost all my data (I destroyed some of it myself)..... and the need for validation is gone.
I am happy helping others and the proof is in the pudding.
I destroyed some of it myself.....

Dolomite is believed to have formed by replacement of some of the calcium in a calcium carbonate limestone deposit with magnesium, while the sediment was undergoing lithification, being converted from layers of dead clam and other sea animal shells into crystallized calcite or calcium carbonate. The resultant dolomite mineral, CaMg(CO3)2 is a true double salt. The calcium and magnesium ions in dolomite exist in separate layers in the crystal matrix. Dolomite has a calcium layer, then a carbonate layer, then a magnesium layer then a carbonate layer, and so on.

See the perfect MJ amendment.


Well-Known Member
question - can a person buy cal pills that people take , desolve them in water and water their plants with it? and will it actuly give the plants cal?


Well-Known Member
I have had them(journals) needless to say that OG thing freaked me. I lost all my data (I destroyed some of it myself)..... and the need for validation is gone.
I am happy helping others and the proof is in the pudding.
I destroyed some of it myself.....

Dolomite is believed to have formed by replacement of some of the calcium in a calcium carbonate limestone deposit with magnesium, while the sediment was undergoing lithification, being converted from layers of dead clam and other sea animal shells into crystallized calcite or calcium carbonate. The resultant dolomite mineral, CaMg(CO3)2 is a true double salt. The calcium and magnesium ions in dolomite exist in separate layers in the crystal matrix. Dolomite has a calcium layer, then a carbonate layer, then a magnesium layer then a carbonate layer, and so on.

See the perfect MJ amendment.
ha.. you destroying everything.. i can definately see myself doing some shit like that... i probably would have left home for like 2 weeks too, ha...

but with the Dolomite... the carbonated layer is also given off CO2? or am i wrong... and if it is, then the whole CO2 generator idea isn't needed anymore

i hate telling people this, because i know the back lash it gets, but did you know you can water the plants with sodium free seltzer water... and it will be healthier than rain water? it was a study that i had looked up that was done over a series of months with 2 houseplants (i know, its not weed)... but basically, the popular assumption is that plants don't need CO2 through their roots only leaves.. and they take O2 through the roots... thats what the study was also predicting.. and they were surprised to find out they were wrong.. plants can benefit from CO2 in soil and the bubbles helped loosen the dirt around the roots, which helped the plants roots breathe