Reasons why the Iraqs are fiighting back. :(


Well-Known Member
This is fucking ridiculous. I used to live in the middle east, and this is ri-fucking-diculous. Propaganda is King in countries like saudi arabia. So no, I don't think this is legit unless someone is dumb enough to think that the US has more problems than the middle east does.

This is like a bunch of five year olds with rotting teeth telling me how candy is bad, and I'm bad for eating it.

I Don't support the war.

I Don't support bush.

I also Don't Support baseless idiotic propaganda.

Sorry, I'm so mad, I was a sophomore in 2002 living in Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain getting to listen to people at an international school talking in the lunchroom about how they would have done the shoe-bombing better. I'm not mad at all muslims or arabs. I'm mad at people who say violence is their answer to violence because violence isn't acceptable, white black purple brown or green.


Well-Known Member
So no, I don't think this is legit unless someone is dumb enough to think that the US has more problems than the middle east does.
How do you figure? I'm having a hard time fathoming what your saying here. Thanks:mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
What I mean is that I don't understand how the people in the video act like they are taking a moral highroad from invading mauraders, when both sides are handling this situation in extremely detrimental ways, both refusing to change before the other rather than realizing both are the problem. You can't ask someone to admit their wrong if you refuse to yourself, when you are also wrong.


Well-Known Member
That's what I mean by propaganda.

What was it like living in the middle east? I haven't talked to many people that have lived there. Is the middle east as bad as they(the media and some americans) make it out to be? They make the middle east out like its a bunch of savages that go around beating women and starting trouble..Thanks:mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
Haha word.

Well, anyone who is from the middle-east will tell you, the countries are pretty damn different from one another. I've been to Jordan, the UAE, and obviously Saudi and Bahrain. Jordan (I was in Amman, Petra, and Jorash.) is a pretty easy going country, very very friendly people, and great food from lebanon, greece, and the more traditional arab countries. Here's a pic from when I was in petra, that's where that Indiana Jones movie was filmed, it was beautiful, you go right and it's a valley full of palace fronts carved into cliffs. The sad thing though is the little kids selling rocks to tourists to support their families, there are a lot of them, it's really very sad. The other is from the roman ruins at jorash, no kids selling rocks, easier to take in the beauty.

Where I lived in Saudi (Riyadh), it's pretty oppresive towards women, they have (had maybe, heard a lot of their power was taken) the muttawah which are religious police. If a women's ankles are showing under their Abbayas(Burkas whatever you want to call them their are different names for the different types of full body coverings) these police walk up to her and start caning her ankles. People can be jailed for pretty much anything, christianity and all other religions are outlawed. During Ramadan when Muslims fast (which isn't fasting because they just don't eat from sunrise to sunset, and most people gain 10 lbs(about 4 kilos) in that month from eating so much at the feasts at night and morning) all other people must also, you're not even supposed to drink water. So going out that month during the day sucks. Bomb checks going in and out of everything, mazes of concrete. The days of the week are different. Their weekend is Thursday and Friday(friday being the holy day like christian's sunday) so the week starts on monday. Women can't drive, they have little rights. Most day labor is done by indians, pakistani's and philipinos. Outside of riyadh their are huge cardboard cities where the camels stand taller than the shoddily made homes. No cameras are allowed in Riyadh, what you see in the news is american propaganda, the american embassy posts notice in every compound(walled in city where westerners live complete with armed guards) saying that if you get arrested no matter what the cause, the US will NOT help you. From what I heard, before the war Baghdad was a nice city to visit for the Ex-Pats. the UAE , I was in Dubai, very nice, very cultural, but again very big difference between Poverty and Wealth. That is the main difference. Saudi sucks I can tell you that for sure. But I heard in Jeddah, Saudi arabia women could drive. No clue.

Again, as a guy, I didn't have to many problems, women have the worst time their though. Oh and Every Friday(holy day) in saudi they have public beheadings and they cut people's hands off in this public square where they also hold open air markets.


Well-Known Member
il try and ask you a question to answer yours(further down though hehe)!!! the united states have never seen a dictator so i will understand if you dont get me!! in my country we had a dictatorship almost 30 years ago and it lasted for 7 years during those years there were some liberating efforts by different groups but none actually got the dictatorship overthrown!! when an event took place that put most people against the government the dictatorship fell within 6 months with no rebelion taking place they simply gave up power when they realized it was their necks or democracy!! i supposedly am from the country that started democracy so i know the citizens place a great deal on individual freedom and this is whats it about!! we as people of the country made choices we made the choice not to revolt when the army took over and we chose as a nation to hit the streets and protest to such an extent that we obliged the dictator to give up his power!! if a outside force came with military force to overthrow our dictatorship government we would all fight by its side!! because whose intentions do you trust more?? as much as you dispise a dictator at least he supposedly is there for the greater good now a different country comming and "liberating me" isnt viewed for the best future of the country especially if you have 200,000 people killed by this foreign country!! now to my question would you not fight for the freedom of your country (not the people) against this outside party that has supposedly come to liberate you b using lies about weapons that never existed??? would you not fight against this power that has killed so many people in the process and bombed so many innocent homes that your dictator in the thirty years in power hasnt killed?? also u r proud for your nationality wherever u come from so the idea that someone is liberating u doesnt sit well with me does it with u?? like how would you feel if china came and said we are liberating the american people from george bush?? u wouldnt like it even if he was a dictator!!! hope this helped!!


New Member
why were you dressing like it was 1989 in 2002? :)
I dont know you and I dont know him... But SERIOUSLY FUCK YOU DUDE.. Are you out of smoke and just being a dick or are you really just a dick in real life? First of all, I dont see 1 thing wrong with his clothes and I dont see anything that even looks "1989 like" . Maybe im missing something, but it really seems like your going out of your way just to be a dick.. At least from where im sitting it looks that way.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I dont know you and I dont know him... But SERIOUSLY FUCK YOU DUDE.. Are you out of smoke and just being a dick or are you really just a dick in real life? First of all, I dont see 1 thing wrong with his clothes and I dont see anything that even looks "1989 like" . Maybe im missing something, but it really seems like your going out of your way just to be a dick.. At least from where im sitting it looks that way.

fuck you back :hump: