Bought A Bag From A Stranger.


Well-Known Member
Last night I was sitting in an applebees with a friend of mine.

There was a guy and his wife sitting across from us at the booth behind us, you could see a huge :leaf: of the back of his jacket with the word toke written on it.

She dared me to ask him if he knew where to get any, I did.

He sold me a fat fair quarter last night it was the size of my fist, a little seedy but great fucking smoke.


Active Member
didn't you get lucky! wow, and it wasn't laced or anything? You'd never find that where I live.


Well-Known Member
didn't you get lucky! wow, and it wasn't laced or anything? You'd never find that where I live.

Really, you mean they will lace the shit you buy at no extra cost? Sounds like you've been listening to mom too much dude. I have bought some weed from some shady characters in my days and none of it was laced, ever. Why the fuck would they waste it by lacing your pot?? I just dont get it.


Well-Known Member
One time I was walking around going to my buddies house, already blazed.
This big native comes up to me and asks 'Hey, do you want to buy any chronic'
Of course I did, but was a bit iffy, but was like fuck it. So I bought an eighth off of him and asked for his # if I needed more.
and honestly, that was some of the dopest dope I've ever smoked at that time. (Not to long ago, I bought a half o of off an older
dealer that I use to know, and it was the nuttiest shit I've ever smoked. One rip and I was gone. It was amazing shit rofl.)


Well-Known Member
Saw a guy today, out walking with my dog. He was smokin a joint shoveling his walkway. I said smells good my man, he said want a hit, I said sure, and smoked 2 more inside. He was an old stoner. I always thought he was a dick, to my surprise, he's a cool fucker. And had some great spicy fuck you up smoke!!

Cheers to my new neighbor, tomorrow I will be taking over some white russian to return the favor.


Well-Known Member
Asian People Near Me Put All sorts In Bags 2 make them weigh more Like Sand And what not Even with this a 8th will be weighed at 2 gram.!!!


Well-Known Member
I was at a bus stop waiting for a trip to san diego. My post man came and sat next to me. I said hey your my mail guy. Anyway we ended up smoking and ended up with a nice 8th for the trip. Be good to your postman. He see's all. lol


Active Member
I was up at whistler last year with some friends. Just got done eating at boston pizza and thought man it'd be tight if I had some weed. So we walk outside and I see this guy standing outside next to a convenience store waiting for his buddy. I walk over and ask him if he knows where I can find some weed and he said sure, just follow me. We walked a minute around the corner to his condo and he sold me an 1/8 for only 25 canadian! nice!


Active Member
I was up at whistler last year with some friends. Just got done eating at boston pizza and thought man it'd be tight if I had some weed. So we walk outside and I see this guy standing outside next to a convenience store waiting for his buddy. I walk over and ask him if he knows where I can find some weed and he said sure, just follow me. We walked a minute around the corner to his condo and he sold me an 1/8 for only 25 canadian! nice!
Thats so funny lol
Cause i went up there last year over spring break for some snowboarding
An Im pretty sure we picked up from the same guy cause thats almost exactly how it happened...
it was at one of the stores at the bottom of the mountain right?