Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

You folks are never going to be able to figure out what America is.... you should quit trying... I can see it's frustrating the hell out of you. More than likely, you've both made poor choices in your life.

Read the newspapers>.... whew.... obviously you subscribe to Clintonian foreign Policy.... that worked out great... It takes a bit more than reading the rags..... then we'd all think as illogically as you folks... lawdy.

out. :blsmoke:
What i find interesting is that if you criticize Israeli policies your considered a "jew hater". Why am I and jimmy Carter called an anti-semite for criticizing Israeli policy?

Criticism appears to be one sided.

Takes 2 to tango. For people who profess their anti war sentiment, they seem to give a pass to Hamas. Justify it in fact.

Israeli actions are in response to attacks.

Palestinians are the only Arab people or countries not to declare peace. Vowed in fact never to stop fighting. How does that fit in the 'war monger' definition?

Yimminy Carter?? That guys last brain cell just committed suicide due to loneliness.

And he used to be really smart. To much 'billy beer' maybe', misguided and worthless, but smart.
Why do you bother them with details? ...their bigotry is plain for all to see.....:roll:

out. :blsmoke:

Wheres the bigotry at Cracker? please show me? thats a clever tactic, aint going to work this time

I take it your racist than if you criticize Barack Obama?
More than likely, you've both made poor choices in your life.
Everyone notice the use of personal attacks because cracker can't back his shit up.

Why do you bother them with details? ...their bigotry is plain for all to see.....:roll:

everyone can see you use the charge of bigotry because you can't back up any of your assertions...................Lets see if you can back up your charge of bigotry? where are these examples? I must have missed them.
Everyone notice the use of personal attacks because cracker can't back his shit up.

everyone can see you use the charge of bigotry because you can't back up any of your assertions...................Lets see if you can back up your charge of bigotry? where are these examples? I must have missed them.

What haven't I backed up? Israel is in the right. It's not hard to figure out. I can't remember the last time Israel fired on civilians to break a cease fire..... know why? Sure you do.

Who ALWAYS breaks the peace? ... hmmm.... You know who.

The fact that you can be so easily misled is not surprising to me at all. I find it fairly amusing... yes a touch sad, but mostly amusement.

Please explain to me again how it is ok to fire rockets into civilian populations....please back that sh*t up for me again... you're doing so well in that hole I don't want you to stop digging. Heck I may just put in another pool.... :lol: go boy go....

out. :blsmoke:
The fact that you can be so easily misled is not surprising to me at all. I find it fairly amusing... yes a touch sad, but mostly amusement.

you're doing so well in that hole I don't want you to stop digging. Heck I may just put in another pool.... :lol: go boy go....

out. :blsmoke:
see you have just made my point again.......again you cant back up your charges and instead try to to be clever with your insults.......boy
Britain's first mistake was giving them the land, the second was giving them heavy water to make nukes. It's about time we helped the Palestinians for a change, maybe give Iran some heavy water for their own nuclear program to even things up a bit, of course it won't happen because the Jews have a disproportionate influence over our policy makers.:wall:

Roger that! :D

I also believe the Jews have a disproportionate influence over Our politicians!

I believe this is so because the Rothschild family are Zionist Jews that want to take over the world. This family owns over ~500 TRILLION dollars, that over half the worlds wealth!

Its all brainwash, the gov't lies and keeps secrets! If We (the people) had any sense, We would get rid of the "federal" reseve and the IRS immediatly because they are the root of evil! What good do they do besides rob Us and hand Our money over to the Jews via welfare checks? (Or maybe I'm confused?)

The banks control the politicians, and the Rothschild family owns the banks. So, go figure! :D

Why do You think America is going to be bankrupt? Do You think it was the peoples fault? I believe it was the crooked politicians and banks getting their way so they can put the country into a recession and buy up peoples assets/small buisness cheap.

I heard the last two countries to get these central banks forcefully implemented was Iraq and Afghanistan. I believe that was the true meaning behind the war. There are only five countries left without these central banks. Two of them are N. Korea and Iran. Notice on TV how they are always saying that N. Korea and Iran allegedly harbor terrorists and are building nukes just like Iraq ALLEGEDLY had nukes!

The gov't and mainstream media are sold out to this banking family! Hence the brainwash!

Feel free to correct Me if I'm wrong somewhere!
Read my post and respond to how its ok to fire rockets into civilian pops....please thats who u r backing.... thats what u r all about...

I agree Diem.... I'm done with these ahem informed gentlemen.
out. :blsmoke:
Jesus was never a Christian. Jesus was a Jew.

Jesus has never been historically documented, so his existence is in great doubt to those who do not get taken in easily.

I can see by your previous posting that your religious belief doesn't hold sway over your political thinking.... :roll:

It's the fervent belief in myths by guys just like you that put the rockets in the hands of Hamas....

Let's face it, you are prejudiced against Israel because you think they killed your mythical savior.....

out. :blsmoke:
Jesus was never a Christian. Jesus was a Jew.

Jesus has never been historically documented, so his existence is in great doubt to those who do not get taken in easily.

I can see by your previous posting that your religious belief doesn't hold sway over your political thinking.... :roll:

It's the fervent belief in myths by guys just like you that put the rockets in the hands of Hamas....

Let's face it, you are prejudiced against Israel because you think they killed your mythical savior.....

out. :blsmoke:
People need to get over 2000 year old $hit.......Get a life. Not WWJD. what would you do. I said it first Jesus complex and Thorazine does not make you JESUS
He's not completely off topic however misguided his posts are. I have purposely avoided getting into the religious aspects of Israel, since I felt it would end up derailing the thread.

Of course it is a BBIG part of what is happening. I dare say there are more than a few wingnuts that want to keep tension in the Middle east so some nonsensical Armageddon can take place. Ultimate and lasting peace in that region would nullify the "prophecy" (completely insane)........

out. :blsmoke:
He's not completely off topic however misguided his posts are. I have purposely avoided getting into the religious aspects of Israel, since I felt it would end up derailing the thread.

out. :blsmoke:

You are a noble beast right enough. Why don't you give pertinent answers to the questions people ask, instead of blurting out insults and charges of bigotry?
I'm sorry what is your question grasshopper? Or is that too personal? You think you have a point? Do you feel a checkmate coming on? :mrgreen:

Bring it on supporter of terrorism....bring it on.

out. :blsmoke: