how many Lumens dos a plant need?


Well-Known Member
Dude you asked this question twice yesterday (In indoor growing and in general marijuana growing, Now you made a new thread about it today asking the same exact thing when people answered you yesterday. NOBODY REPLY BACK HE IS JUST PLAYING AROUND Just some stupid kid with nothing to do. If you can figure out lumens on your own they you will never be able to grow. So just dont even waste your money.:spew:


Well-Known Member
Do not make me get up and neg rep you grow crazy.....All this stuff is in the FAQS.....If you need to talk go to talk and toke.:)


Well-Known Member
I think growcrazy is that dude that was in here a few weeks ago acting all retarded, kept getting banned and kept making new accounts, now he's back for round 2 prob be best to just not answer anymore of his Q's just act like he dont exist.