Need Advice for basic setup


Active Member
Hi, am new to growing bud,

I need some advice on building my small setup/ which is indoor (am planning to start off with 4 plants)
(there stress seeds, i germinated them all ready i just need to buy the equipment and plant them)
As of soil am hearing good things about
-foxfarm ocean forest/pro mix so am going to get that,
-Pots i got them (with/ drainage holes)
-Light a issue still (am going to go with CFL)
i went to home depot today to go check out the prices etc,
and i was going to get the 42 watt (there like 9 bucks at home depot Expensive for me) compact fluorescent bulbs lights (6 of them)
(is there a sufficient (CFL) light that is cheap in price ,large in quantity that is use full for bud that i can purchase,?)
-am on a lo budget (for right now)
-I was also looking at T5 Tube's, i did a search on home depot site, came up on these,
-Lithonia Lighting 23 In. Bronze T5 Fluorescent Undercabinet $64.08
-Lithonia Lighting 12 In. Bronze T5 Fluorescent Undercabinet $49.14
would those be any good?
If i was to buy that, whats the proper wattage Requirement for growing
4 plants,

So that the basic setup that i am aimming for, for right now,
please feel free to school me,and to give me suggestions etc,
cough cough (am new to this)

Here's a pic of my space that ill be growing in,
(am going to add a wall to cover every thing etc, the setup will be more compact, and dark)
(ill post the W,L later)




Well-Known Member
That looks like quite a large space, and I don't think CFLs would be the best option to cover it efficiently. Any reason why you have decided to go with them over HPS?


Well-Known Member

honestly if your going to work with that much space i would do like 8 and flower at 1 foot using a 400w said u wanted to buy 6 cfl lights that almost add mup to 300w already and it will cost you like around 70 with tax for them.....if your going to do 4 with 6 cfl lights i think you will have major streatching and shitty buds...i understand monies an issue but it does cost quite a bit to grow...i have put out over 6 grand on stuff for my setup and first 2 crops....if your going to use 300w al together you might as well get a 400w or even like a 250w hps and a few cfls for around them....the 250 watts are sure if you ask around here alor of pple know where to get them...i think its like around 60 bucks online...personally im the kind of guy who goes big..not too big but big enough...and its always worth will have to some sort of nutes...and you will have to get black and white to secure the area ans also for reflection so you dont loose lumes and light....i hope this helped a bit...i think you will be happier with a 400w even with 4 plants youj will get 10 times more pot than with 6 cfls and for basiczally the same amount of hydro watts!!! 2 cents


Well-Known Member
yeah big place i would cover that in some sort of reflective material like mylar and would get a 400 watt hps how much are you willing to spend. It's an expensive sport to get into, but as soon as you have one successful grow you will wanna upgrade so you might as well and go and buy yourself a nice set up because that is a prime room to grow in!


Active Member
Hi, Thanks for all your Adivce & Support RIU,


Your a big help bro thanks once again,
in the first place i thought going with hps
will be better, tell i seen the price $200 ^^and up, currently am on a set budget for this project, but in the near future i will purchase those lights,

Thanks for the help & support bro,
currently my set budget is around $150.00 is not a alot but that what i got going for this little project i want to do, am pretty sure as i move more along this project ill invest more into it,

I think the best option for me is to get a smaller size, (which i do have one in mine).
-Ill post pics later,
-Thanks Fame


Well-Known Member

Thanks for the help & support bro,
currently my set budget is around $150.00 is not a alot but that what i got going for this little project i want to do, am pretty sure as i move more along this project ill invest more into it,

Right off the bat im going to say something to you that most noobs on this site do not want to hear,then get offended after hearing but it is the truth.

Being on a tight budget is understandable but your priorities on setting up this grow are completely out of whack,in your budget you have money allocated for the most expensive soil sold anywhere on earth (Fox Farms) then want to spend as little as possible on lighting :confused:

Proper lighting is by far the most important link in the chain,you can get by from using very cheap soil as long as you have great lighting & still yeild a quarter pound or more,but when you choose to use great soil teamed up with weak lighting you'll end up with strecthed plants that offer very little yeild,proper lighting is the most critical component to any grow op & anybody who says any different is very misinformed.

Skip the Fox Farms soil & get standard potting soil from Home depot for $2 each 40lb bag,then add perlite to the soil at around a 20% mix ratio,you can spend $10 at home depot on soil & perlite & apply the saved money twords proper lighting.

There are two types of excellent grow lights,one being High Pressure Sodium (HPS) & the other being Metal Halide (MH),HPS is the better of the two light sources & the absolute best light source over any other light source,including cfl's,floro tubes or even t-5 lights,the 2nd best light source is MH lighting & it is far superior over cfl's & other floro lighting,it is also cheaper than a HPS system.

This exact grow light will take you from vegatative growth all the way through flowering stage & right up to harvest,you'll get tighter/fatter buds with this over any other light source with the exception of an HPS system & be within your budget.

Your budget.................................. = $150

MH grow light from HTG ...................= $120.

Soil & perlite from Home depot ...........= $10.

Light timer from Home depot.................=$5

Bag seeds......................................= free.

2 Litre bottles in place of planters.......= free

Total cost for a 400 watt HID grow op is $135.

You can easily harvest a full quarter pound of killer buds using the system ive outlined,later on or in future grows you can add expensive Fox Farm soil or use Seedbank seeds as money allows but to start out with lighting is the absolute most important priotity to good growing.

You will not beat the cost or the performance of this system ive outlined for you using any other lighting source,smaller watage lights,cfl's,t-5's or by supplimenting the standard potting soil with ultra expensive Fox Farm soils & fertilizers,and your within your set budget,growing good weed on a budget is about getting the top priorities in line then everything will fall into place.


Well-Known Member
Another thing that hasn't been mentioned so far is ventilation, which is almost as important as lighting, in my opinion. You should factor this into your budget as well.