How do you handle a rat?


Well-Known Member
Well i learned today that im not going too be seeing some of my buds for quite some time now. 3 of my buds were with these other guys and thought it would be a good idea too break into a restaurant and rob it. My buddies are all looking at three years now this other fucker that gave the cops my friends name has 1 year probation. So of course something must be done...was pondering ideas with my bud today while smoking a gas mask:bigjoint: what are your thoughts on dealing with rats...

and no im not going too kill this kid rofl
wtf, there no occasion to be a rat, i mean what kind of pussy are you? take the responsibility of what you did :roll: i'd beat the shit outa the kid, or pour a shit load of sugar into his gas tank ;) you kno, stuff like that
[QUOTE="SICC";1929302]wtf, there no occasion to be a rat, i mean what kind of pussy are you? take the responsibility of what you did :roll: i'd beat the shit outa the kid, or pour a shit load of sugar into his gas tank ;) you kno, stuff like that[/QUOTE]

Exactly, when you involved with the stuff we all are, we all knw the possible outcomes if you cant handle that get the fuck out

we were thinkin about beating this shit outta him, but then in a month hes fine...and my buds are still in jail - and i really dont think that would teach him
Exactly, when you involved with the stuff we all are, we all knw the possible outcomes if you cant handle that get the fuck out

we were thinkin about beating this shit outta him, but then in a month hes fine...and my buds are still in jail - and i really dont think that would teach him

fucking hate snitches
brake his arms put him in a fucking body bag all rats should burn in hell:wall::wall::wall::fire::fire::fire:
Revenge is a very dangerous thing,i lost 2.5 years of my life getting revenge,its not something i'd ever do again unless somebody harmed somebody i love.

Chalk him up as a snitch,cut him out of your life,inform everybody you can that he's a snitch & call it a day.

Other than your friends getting snitched on they werent too smart to start with,breaking into a resturaunt isnt the act of a genuis,be the only smart one of the bunch & let this shit pass,you'll be glad you did.
alright maybe not body him but...lets see

Burn his car ? throw some gas on his biitch and light it on fire

Wrap his whole car in saram wrap
Revenge is a very dangerous thing,i lost 2.5 years of my life getting revenge,its not something i'd ever do again unless somebody harmed somebody i love.

Chalk him up as a snitch,cut him out of your life,inform everybody you can that he's a snitch & call it a day.

Other than your friends getting snitched on they werent too smart to start with,breaking into a resturaunt isnt the act of a genuis,be the only smart one of the bunch & let this shit pass,you'll be glad you did.

your right no doubt... none the less someone will find the punk and do wht they please.
yes... your buds got snitched out, they were committing the wrong crime with the wrong people... they were going to get caught regardless.

now please explain the logic in getting caught doing something stupid to some asshole that ratted on your friends? are you as dumb as they are? or are you going to lay low and let karma take its course?

I know what I would do...
yes... your buds got snitched out, they were committing the wrong crime with the wrong people... they were going to get caught regardless.

now please explain the logic in getting caught doing something stupid to some asshole that ratted on your friends? are you as dumb as they are? or are you going to lay low and let karma take its course?

I know what I would do...

20 years ago i would have put this guy in the hospital the day i heard about it...i now have a wife and kids - am NOT trying too go too jail again rofl. The guy is fucked someones gonna see him somewhere and fuck him up...he ratted on the wrong people lol
dude really...............just plant drugs on the fucker and call the cops i mean hard drugs.......get the fucker some jail time thats atleast what he deserves
that would make me feel like a rat... i dont deal with the cops man fuck that shit like i said my best move is too just sit back relax and get stoned...let nature take its course...
dude how old are you lol, I thought you were a high school kid or something lol grow up bro, your dumbass friends shouldn't be stealing other peoples money, there thiefs they got what was coming to them.
your friends don't seem like people with the best morals to begin with, and this should be a lesson to them.

stealing is wrong, but as for the guy who snitched on them, let him be. why risk getting in trouble over something so stupid

the universe tends to unfold in mysterious ways man.
yup, you got it tough, chooseing between thieving friends, or one who actualy kinda did the right thing... (at least in the eyes of the victims who got robbed).
What interesting company you keep.
haha its all good Nvr2Stond, i kno whats up, karma is a bitch, he will get what comin to him, but if anything, give me a good price and i can deliver his head on a sliver platter if you want
A wife and kids definitely changes things...Besides, an ass beatin, even a bad one only lasts until you heal. Then of course you make sure you are more prepared for such a thing should it come around again. MAYBE even shoot the fuckers that beat ya down. The only thing I can think of worse than being punished for being a rat, is knowing that everyone I associate with KNOWS I'm a rat. Maybe just inform everyone he knows...and everyone you know...and everyone else that would benefit, that the dude is a rat. Hope that makes sense...Baked over here!