DONT waste those leaves and stems!


Too many brownies
You can make some good ass alcohol, Get some vodka The higher the proof the better, then chop up all those leaves and even some stems. Next put all of the leaves and stems into the bottle of vodka. Put that in your closet in the dark for three weeks NO LESS, at the end of this time it should be a dark green color. after the three weeks pull it out, strain it (if you want to), and then drink up!!! Be careful with this stuff its very strong!!! should hit you hard in only a few minutes! Dont drink to much or else :spew:


Well-Known Member
Green Dragon
1/2 ounce cannabis
1/5 liter 95% ethanol (190 proof)

Grind the cannabis into a fine powder. Put into light-proof glass container with the ethanol and let sit for 2-10 weeks, shaking daily. For a unique zing, add 1 tablespoon of lemon or orange zest with the cannabis and ethanol. Serve chilled in a cold glass with 3 ice cubes, 1 shot of Green Dragon, 3 shots of citrus soda (like Sprite or 7UP), and a teaspoon of honey


Active Member
you have to distill your own or procure moonshine... we just finished making some of this with mids about a week ago (after letting it sit two weeks)... and wow!!! 1 shot will do you right... 2 shots your stoned for days... make sure to double or triple filter through a coffee filter... (the best results is to cure for 10 weeks... but who's that patient?)


Well-Known Member
i thought u had to activate the thc in order to get high...

this really gets u stoned?

ima do it!


Well-Known Member
You can buy 151 at any liquor store and it will get the job done. The vodka mogie is talking about cannot be sold or bought in some states in the U.S. (Florida for example). So you can try to buy it online or have someone ship it to you. Everclear makes great 151 and 190 vodkas.


Well-Known Member
The liquor stores in USA sell a brand called FIGHTING COCK!
Rose, you serious? What's the proof? The only thing I can find locally is Devil's Springs Vodka - 160 proof. Actually cheap, too. //// Any point in saving the leaves that fall off or die throughout a grow? Or not worth it until the very end??

Anyone know how water evaporates relative to alchohol? If one were to simply leave the cap off a particular vodka, maybe heat it slightly, wouldn't the water evaporate, raising the alchohol content?

Don't remember where I found the recipe, which I can't believe I lost, but if you make a good mix of green dragon, you can heat it to evaporate most of the liquid, or simply let it sit for a while to evaporate. Not sure about the heating; I think it might degrade the thc, as light does. But eventually, magically, you're left with a small amount of almost clear liquid. Almost pure thc!! You can put a few drops on a spoon, heat it up, and INHALE... Anyone else done this? Anyone have an accurate recipe/directions??
:peace: Peace Growers


Well-Known Member
Alcohol evaporates quicker than water because it has weaker hydrogen bonding. This is also why alcohol has a lower boiling point. What I think you're referring to is heating up the alcohol so it will increase its ability as a solvent, therefore dissolving more THC into the drink. Just make sure that you don't heat the alcohol up past 75 degrees C or else it will evaporate.


Active Member
get some weed leaves and stems boil them on the stove until the stems sink to the bottom and the leaves become kinda rubbery textured pour in kool aid mix with vodka and there ya go you wont walk straight for days :o


Well-Known Member
do you actully feel stoned? or just kinda drunk? i'm waiting for my harvest to try this.
I got a bottle of absinthe 80% i want to try it with. hopefully the THC might take effect on the hallucingenic quallitys in the absinthe.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
do you actully feel stoned? or just kinda drunk? i'm waiting for my harvest to try this.
I got a bottle of absinthe 80% i want to try it with. hopefully the THC might take effect on the hallucingenic quallitys in the absinthe.
That sounds a bit dodgy for me dude...the vodka would probably make a killer party drink though! Would that work with whisky?


Well-Known Member
I think a filtered vodka would work well for this, and I really like the idea of adding citrus, maybe even fruit would work well. Anyone else ever see that website where those guys took some really cheap vodka and filtered it several times through a Brita (or something like that) and they ended up coming out with some decent hooch? I saw that YEARS ago. I don't really drink myself, but, something like this is good for the leaves and stems I'll have soon.

P.S. Dig your tags, nsw.


Active Member
i thought u had to activate the thc in order to get high...

this really gets u stoned?

ima do it!
I have read that THC molecule is non-polar (even electrical charge across the molecule), and non-polar substances don't dissolve well in water because the only polarity can arise from the charge imbalance of the elctronegativity of two oxygen molecules, but that isn't enough given the size of the hydrogen molecule, which is also a main constituent of THC (carbon and hydrogen) and the electronegativity of both is very similar. However, it dissolves in fatty tissue, hence cooking with cannabis is possible if you use oil or butter, etc. It also dissolves in alcohol, with the same effect. You can soak some bacardi with trim or bud for a few weeks, in the end 2-3 shots will have you tripping balls for a while, but make sure you serve it with sprite or something, its too much otherwise :) You get high and drunk from one source.