Well, i'm new to the whole growing thing, but from what I've learned, you can't give new sprouts only 12 hours of light. They need no less than 18 hours. 20 hours is best, with 4 hours of darkness. During the vegging stage, I suppose you'll have to find a temporary place for your others. Just until they reach their flowering stage.
I think you misunderstood me in your thread. It's not that you can't go 12/12 straight away, it's just that you will have very small plants if you do. My main point in your thread is that the 12 hour period must be consistent, not 12 one day, 10 the next etc. If you go 12/12 straight away, the plant will grow a minimum amount to support itself, then flower whilst small. People do this deliberately when they are running small micro grows, like this one. I was just highlighting the difference between vegging and flowering times, and the importance of timers.
To the thread starter: Yes, you will be fine putting the plants in at different times, for staggered harvests. I had a system runing a while back with new plants in every week, to replace ones that were ready for harvest. It worked well, but got to be a bit of a pain in the ass to keep track of.
Just be sure to elevate your newer plants so they are still close to the light, or the big ones may overshadow them, stunting their growth.