Quick DWC water + nuterients Q?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I picked up two boxes of miracle grow water soluble tomato plant food. 18-18-21, Is this what I add to my water? I got them from home depot. If not what is the correct solution and where do I find them? Thanks a lot


Well-Known Member
Those nutrients arent going to work in dwc... U need hydro nutz... I say search locally for a dro store near u or order online... I use botanicaire pro organics in my grow and havent had any problems..They are very cheap and the rewards are plentifull...Beginning id suggest trying this until i learn how certain nutrients benefit ur grow in different stages..GROW nutes and FLOWER nutes is all u need to get started i promise.


Active Member
Hey pete, glad ya took the wolfmans advice and didnt give up on growin,lol.I have read quite a few threads ,all over the net about miracle grow and hydroponics.Most would recomend against it, but some swear that is is just as effictive as any high$ hydro nutes.The thing is, MIRACLE GROW dosent have all the macro & micro nutes needed by plants in a hydro unit.Also, the type of nitrogen in miracle grow has to be broken down into "nitrates"by bacteria that is found in soil,hydro plants cant use it simply because the required critterz arent present to preform the process. Miracle grow was intended for soil plants, BUT... it IS well known that countless growers desperate t save $ will use calcium nitrate along with epsom salts in conjunction with MG and swear by it.Suposedly it is a 1/4 to full strength mix or miracle grow, to a 1 tsp calcium nitrate& 1/2 tsp of epsome salt per gallon. I would imagine that so many growers cant be wrong.If one used this recipe along with a really good micro nute supliment like earth juice microblast, i really dont see how you could fail unless ya just over did the PPM , Miracle Grow is very concentrated.It would be a really fun experiment to set up say 4 or 5 DWC bubblers and add varing amounts of this nute mix in progessively larger amounts to each one, keep a journal, see what happens.Make shure each plant is cloned from the same mother to ensure consistant genetics for a proper experiment, perhaps have 1 unit runing on proper hydro nutes to use as a controll. i may just have ta try this ...some day lol, but yeah, miracle grow can be used, ya just need to know a lill bout the makeup of certain chemicals and so on. Hope this helped ya some, or anyone else that has ever wondered about the same thing.LATER BRO, HAPPY GROWING:weed:


Well-Known Member
has anyone tried this? I really dont want to have to order nutes. Also, when
i go to fill my tank, do I fill it completely with a 1/4 strength solution for the first 3 weeks? a full container seems like a lot of water.


New Member
I'm running DWC w/ Flower Boost MG, calcium nitrate and magnesium salt now for 4 weeks. older transplants flowered then appears to have stopped while 4 others weeks behind started in MG staying light green but flowering daily.Mixing 1/2 ea.per gallon.. Running 17 gallon set up, 6 pots, mixing at 8.5 tsp per res change. adding GH root ernhancer, 3 tsp.


Well-Known Member
You would be better off just biting the bullet and buying something like MaxiBloom by General Hydroponics for about the same price you paid for those two boxes of not-hydro-nutrients. Even after you jump through the hoops of purchasing extra stuff (nitrate, Epsom salt, etc) you'll still probably end up fighting pH issues and end up spending more overall.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
has anyone tried this? I really dont want to have to order nutes. Also, when
i go to fill my tank, do I fill it completely with a 1/4 strength solution for the first 3 weeks? a full container seems like a lot of water.
Then go to a shop and buy them.

And youbcan fill it half waybif that is suitable for the root mass. I was always taught to keep water filled to the top, yet I would do whatever I liked, including run the red till the plants had drunk it dry, I always did just fine.


Well-Known Member
in dwc you want it a few inches below the net pot with an airstone to bubble. the media will get wet from the aeriation. do any of the local stores have water soluble ferts? and its not against the law to buy these things? are you trying to hide it and you dont have a vehicle or something? sounds like a kid problem if you dont want to go buy the stuff.