Marijauan is 2nd priority on briefcase!!!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I voted on it.
YES YOU READ THIS RIGHT!!! There is a topic called "Ending Marijuana Prohibition" that has the 2nd place rating on his website. It is very very very close to being 1st place. I urge everyone that cares about marijuana legalization to get on and sign up. Go to the "Briefcase" area and vote YES on this topic.

The direct link to this topic is here:

Hope you all vote yet on this... if you have any questions then feel free to post or write to me.... Please copy this message and re post it on any forum you want... please look into what i have said..

Below is the actual topic body:

Ending Marijuana Prohibition

I suggest that we step back and take a non-biased "Science Based" approach to decide what should be done about the "Utter Failure" that we call the War on (some) Drugs.
The fact is that Marijuana is much less harmful to our bodies than other Legal Drugs such as Tobacco and Alcohol. And for the Government to recognize Marijuana as having Medicinal Properties AND as a Schedule I drug (Has NO medicinal Properties) is an obvious flaw in the system.
We must stop imprisoning responsible adult citizens choosing to use a drug that has been mis-labeled for over 70 years.


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that everyone is skeptical about this topic and you have every right to do so. But, remember Obama is not like every other president in which he offers change. Now he did not say what type of change he is offering but he lead us up to the belief that he would turn this country around and bring it together.

Taking into consideration of the history of "war on marijuana" ... I am very skeptical about any legalization of marijuana act.. Because it seems like our voice is never heard.. like we dont even matter to these people... they say marijuana is not top priority... marijuana can not be taxed.. marijuana is bad.. marijuana users are violent... well we know the fucking truth about marijuana and how there is a legitmate reason for its legalization...

I think this is why some of us our skeptical about him legalizing marijuana.. that and also because they seem to be pushing our marijuana thread (THAT WE VOTED TO 1st PLACE 2 SEPERATE TIMES) to the side.. and picking and chooseing which thread they will take and make into law

Well reguardless if obama pushes the priority of marijuana to the side of the table or not.. i still think he will change some laws with it... i think he will allow it for some medicinal purposes but in a very controled manor... and this is all we need to get our foot in the door and to prove that marijuana is not harmfull.. once this day comes then we can open the door up furthur and furthur with grass roots initiatives untill the door is wide open and all people of all kinds can have legal marijuana in the usa

you have the right to be skeptical now but keep your heads up becuase one day the people of the world will wake up and see the sunshine and legalize our mary jane :D


New Member
We need to do a march on DC every year on 4/20. A PEACEFUL march, like a sit in, with no violence.

It's easy to blow us off on the net, but if they have to see us in person, it might be different.


Well-Known Member

Im trying to find some information on it.. ill post later

This sit in event goes on every year and has for over 10 years... ill try to find the links:leaf:

We need to do a march on DC every year on 4/20. A PEACEFUL march, like a sit in, with no violence.

It's easy to blow us off on the net, but if they have to see us in person, it might be different.


Well-Known Member
We are totally winning this... someone said that the poll closes today... but i can not find any information saying when they close....or hardly any info at all on the brief case


Well-Known Member

Im trying to find some information on it.. ill post later

This sit in event goes on every year and has for over 10 years... ill try to find the links:leaf:
Dude, find that information and I am there, this year, on 4/20. I already toked up out tehre by the White House on Election Day :weed:

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
If you read the first half of this thread you will notice that "The Son of Man" was trying to disrupt this thread. He clearly stated "oh I'll comprise it" when i sugested that he not hijack this thread. Well i gave him negative points for disrupting our conversation and it apears that he was pissed and gave me negative points and a message stating "who's negative rep is stronger :smile:"


Despite him and other george bush "anti pot campaign" people, we are still getting numerous of people stating that they will vote to legalize marijuana... somewhere around 20 votes so far strictly because of this thread

Message to "The son of man": Those negative points arent shit compared to everyones marijuana freedom that is at stake here

You have to be one of the dumbest sons of bitches on this board----yes/no?


Well-Known Member
:weed:WE WON FIRST PLACE.. not lets see if they put this into action

Thank you everybody for your motivation and dedication on this matter. Peace, love, and chicken grease:weed:
