how small is big enough?


Active Member
hi, this is my first post so pls be patient.
i have just lost my job and can no longer afford to buy the amount of weed i would like to, so i am looking into growing my own just for my own use.
there is a built in cupboard in my room and was wondering if it is big enough to grow in. the room is about 2'6" wide and 1'6" deep, 6' tall. if it is poss to grow in there what kind of yeild can i expect and in what time frame from seed to smoke?
thx in advance - total newbie:leaf:


Well-Known Member
You didn't specify the length.But yes it can be used, but if you have no job wouldn't it be difficult to maintain your plants. Nutrients ,Lights , fans , electricity ,etc. all cost money.Time frame could be 3-4 months.1 to 2 months vegetative stage 8-10 weeks flowering stage.Yield may vary depending on strain and lighting,adequate watering.I don't know how familiar you are with indoor gardening its great but requires time,effort,and some cash.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
yeah what he said... my first indoor grow from seed yeild produced about 2 ounces off 6 females many of whom hermied due to another issue so had to harvest some early... then out of the 6... 2 looked pretty but didn't get you high, 2 got you high and sleepy even though the trics were milky white, and 2 were amazing heres a pic one one.... and i was about 1200 bucks lighter after buying the set up and supplies. the electricity is about the cheapest thing. but now i'm looking at producing 13 zones every month and a half

you'll get to make alot butter and oil too!



Well-Known Member
That's enough space to keep you in good supply. Minimum time is 10 weeks seed to harvest with an autoflower, but if you get a non autoflower you can clone and flower over and over then you'll crop clones out every 2 months or so. A cab like that can yield 5oz or so if done right and that out to be enough for anyone to get through to the next harvest or you can just start a new clone every week and then crop one out every week and always have new smoke.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
i was just giving him just an idea of what he's getting into... and kinda dispell this vision... that he'll be smoking his own homegrown, and solving his money problems by thursday of next week


Active Member
thanks for the info, i do have some cash put away for set-up although the cheaper the better and i understand i won't be smoking for a few months. my main problem is space as there is no way i can have 2 dedicated spaces for veg and flower so i think cloning is out of the question, unless you know different of course. peace out


Well-Known Member
You didn't specify the length.But yes it can be used, but if you have no job wouldn't it be difficult to maintain your plants. Nutrients ,Lights , fans , electricity ,etc. all cost money.Time frame could be 3-4 months.1 to 2 months vegetative stage 8-10 weeks flowering stage.Yield may vary depending on strain and lighting,adequate watering.I don't know how familiar you are with indoor gardening its great but requires time,effort,and some cash.
width, depth, height, and length... you need to evaluate 4 dimensions to consider a grow space?????


Well-Known Member
ur cab is 6 feet tall? waht if u installed a shelf on the top for clones. itd only hafta be about 1.5 tall. then u could have the flowering plants under. just a thought. ud hafta be sure there were no lightleaks which would be hard


New Member
I don't know how much $$$ you have put away, but you can work with that space. One or two e-conolights, some bag seed, and some cheap nutes can have you smoking in about 12 weeks or so. To a large extent, your budget will dictate your grow. You can probably get started for <$100, and upgrade as your budget allows.


Active Member
if u do it rite it shuld take about 4.5 months to 5 monsth.

veg for two months. extra month of veg gives you almost twice as much pot

flower for 2 - 3 months depends ont eh flavor. sativa takes 2 to 4 weeks longer

problem is light and no money, get a 400W for $120 at that garden place and two bulbs, mh and hps


Well-Known Member
I'm only on my 2nd grow but my 1st box was only 20"x30"x4' and I grew a 34" (could have handles 2 plants) plant in there and got 1oz off it just using CFL's and it only tool me a little under 2 months from seed to get some decient smoke (this was an early harvest I know) but it can be done. just keep in mind the space at the top for the lights (to judge your flowering height) and also ventilation and that should be fine