King Crab Legs


Well-Known Member
Who likes king crab legs?
Who likes really really big king crab legs?
I am in the food business, and every so often we get these cases of king crab legs that are so huge, we have to break them into 3rds to fit in the box!

There $100.00 per box, and when these came across my desk, I simply had to keep them for myself. I swear to god, one leg is as big as one of your legs, and the knuckles are as big as your knee....all full of meat too.
So I kept all 3 boxes of them, my wife and I ate one whole case last night, after we got a bit stoned. It was great!

I'll shoot a pic tomorrow and let you see them.
Are you trying to rub it in our

I just had some crab earlier tonight....yummy in my tummy
At the local seafood market here king crab leg pieces are only $6 a pound that's less than good steak!
i'll take a box, please. it's that damn "deadliest catch". every time i watch it. i just told my wife last night that i wanted some king crab legs.
I didnt know there was a cooking forum here... After simmering ganja butter for several hours, the whole house smelled like lobster night. Wish I was in New England. I've got the butter if you've got the crab...
I didnt know there was a cooking forum here... After simmering ganja butter for several hours, the whole house smelled like lobster night. Wish I was in New England. I've got the butter if you've got the crab...

That sounds yummy and intoxicating at the same
i've been begging the wife since this thread started. she keeps saying no. she doesn't like the smell.
Here we pay $11.95 to $17.95 depending on the size. I love them better than any other meal I can think of.
I use 50% white viegar and 50% water, boiled for an hour with 4 ounces of BAY leaves, 2 cut up lemons, and 1/4 cup of sea salt, before we add the legs.! After it boils an hour, we add another half gallon of vinegar, bring it back to a boil, then add the legs.
Yeah, the wife and I love em too! I made crab salad with the left overs, and that was even better!

Well as promised, heres a few pics, gotta remember that this is after I cut them into thirds, when we get them, they are about 36" long each. We have to break them up into 12" pieces to fit into our boxes.



I was at a Sam's Club the other day and saw the biggest king crab legs in my life. One leg was like 15 bucks lol, they were like, lb and a half legs, the meat on the insides was FATTER than a damn STEAK. I make it a point to eat at least 30 lbs of crab legs a year. I fucken love'm. Plus they help keep you cancer free. Enjoy those :)
A common misconception is cooking king crab legs, as they are already pre-cooked when you buy them. You could merely defrost, and eat them.

However I do steam mine briefly, while I melt my butter. From now on, any leftovers will be made into crab salad...Mmmmmmm

How do you cook yours?
I like to boil mine for 3 minutes and then stick them in the oven for 5. This boils that nasty fish smell off of them so the odor is not so bad when you heat them up in the oven. Once they're warm enough (usually bout 5 minutes) I take them out and the meat slides out of the legs nice and smoothly. In my experience if you JUST boil, it leaves them watery and the meat is harder to acquire and tends to break apart a lot easier.

Its pretty simple. Boil 3, strain, Oven 5-6, take out, enjoy. Soooooo easy.