What happens to you when your out of smoke?


New Member
I get all anxious.Cant sleep.. No appetite... Really bad mood swings.. Depression/Anxiety etc.. I have a hard time watching TV because most of the shit on there just really aggravates me when I have no weed. It sucks soo bad... Anyone know any ways to ease the symptoms when your out of smoke? I literally feel like im dying here..


Active Member
I get all anxious.Cant sleep.. No appetite... Really bad mood swings.. Depression/Anxiety etc.. I have a hard time watching TV because most of the shit on there just really aggravates me when I have no weed. It sucks soo bad... Anyone know any ways to ease the symptoms when your out of smoke? I literally feel like im dying here..

Not tryin to be an ass here, but you sound like a meth user, not a Marijuana user... I mean, when I run out, my life is the same, albeit a little less fun. You sound addicted to something that isn't supposed to be addicting.


New Member
I know right? Ive always heard weed isnt addictive.. I really do think its because I have had bi polar disease (AKA- Manic Depression ) since I was a kid . The only time I feel "level" is when im medicated with marijuana. Even Buspar,prozac and the 5 other meds that were prescribed to me over the yrs do not help at all.. All that helps is MJ.

sucks to be me, but yea, thats where im at right now.


Active Member
I know right? Ive always heard weed isnt addictive.. I really do think its because I have had bi polar disease (AKA- Manic Depression ) since I was a kid . The only time I feel "level" is when im medicated with marijuana. Even Buspar,prozac and the 5 other meds that were prescribed to me over the yrs do not help at all.. All that helps is MJ.

sucks to be me, but yea, thats where im at right now.
Sucks man, I feel for ya. If I could toss you a nug, I would.


New Member
[quote="SICC";1939386]yea i would throw you a Nug :([/quote]

thx man . means alot bro. I believe you would also lol.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean bro............it lasts for about 2 days and than I don't feel that rage anymore.........I get agitated real easy like just bash peoples face in lol not really but just....I guess its kinda like a little withdrawl but it only lasts a couple of days. I tell you I have done steroids before a couple of times.....I mean large amounts, I never felt any sort of roid rage when i was on the them or when i was coming off of them, I'm real melow person to start with so that has something to do with it, but I get more agitated and can't sleep when i quit smoking on a daily basis, but like I said it dosent last long. funny how I had more rage from a lack of weed than when I did the roids


New Member
wow congrats on kicking the roids man.

Its not really a rage. im not a rage type person.. Its more like a servere anxiety attack with headaches etc. Im used to it as ive gone through it at least 2 times a mnth for the past many many yrs. It just sucks really bad lol. I dont take any prescribed meds as I really believe they do more harm than good.


Well-Known Member
I get the same way, easily agitated, cant focus, but I was like that after i got out the military. They put me on meds that really made things worse, I ended up weening myself off of it and man the withdrawls were bad. I feel the herb is a natural alternative to the bullshit the gov. docs had prescribed.

When im out i have to keep myself in check, always making sure im cool and not flipping out or anything. Kind of exhausting tho. good luck.

I'd toss you a nug


Active Member
lol nah man i wasn't addicted to roids, I never felt any different when i was on them or off them. There not as bad "they" might want to make you believe, kinda the same as cannabis's rep
Yes! Good man. So many people give roids a bad rap, but if used correctly with proper PCT and cycle, it's pretty damn safe. I would do them, but I've decided i would rather be all natural in my bodybuilding efforts.


Well-Known Member
I was going to make a thread on roids and my experince but I figured I would get all the fuckers on there high horses talking shit

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
you know posts like this make me happy that RIU exsists cause i can't talk about a subject like this with too many folks... when i run out of any sort of thc product i usually get one good day where i'm normal and not jonesing to bad, by the second day i'm in fits and acting like most everyone else who has posted... it sucks... society has to accept that there are people who require marijuana... like some people require asprin or coffee or a cigarette...


Well-Known Member
you know posts like this make me happy that RIU exsists cause i can't talk about a subject like this with too many folks... when i run out of any sort of thc product i usually get one good day where i'm normal and not jonesing to bad, by the second day i'm in fits and acting like most everyone else who has posted... it sucks... society has to accept that there are people who require marijuana... like some people require asprin or coffee or a cigarette...
i agree, most people dont understand that marijuana IS a medicine. I will never take another antidepressant, anti psychotic, or any of that synthetic bs, that shit fux you up really bad.