what are the easiest strains to grow


Active Member
I am lookin at my first grow, I would like a sure fire grow so I can get my feet wet without killing my first crop. To make this econmicly feasible I would also like to yield 3-4 OZ per plant, is that unrealistic?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't count on that much weight on your first grow, The AK-47 Auto would be a good choice for your first grow and if you read the thread from Wackymack A real how to to auto strains!!!! in the Advanced Marijuana Cultivation section of the Forum you could get some very good weight out of them. Hope this helps / Good Luck


Well-Known Member
rhino, thc bomb, bubblegum, grown them all without ph or n e special feed, hey its just a weed.


Active Member
i reckon the classics are some of the hardiest like white widow, skunk and hazes but them auto flowering strains would be a good choice to familiarize urself


Well-Known Member
All strains are has easy and has difficult has you make it do your research first and i'm sure you will have great results.I have only ever come across one strain and it was arjons ultra haze#1 no matter what i did this thing would not stop growing it was a sativa strain the bud time was 14wks the plant was 9ft at five week that was starting budding at about 6ince.You will find your own way in growing the first plant i ever grew was skunk#1 and it was a nice yield for a first plant but i woul not go for auto plants you can't clone them whitch is easy some people make it sound difficult go for a sativa /indica cross.BIG BUD/SKUNK#1/ BLUEBERRY i have had great yeilds of this strain what ever is your favourite smoke get the seeds thats what i did.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Do a soil grow, not a hydro, so you won't have to check daily and don't worry about flooding. White Rhino is really really easy and can give you the yeald you want. But if you want it to be even easier, try an auto flowering strain like Lowryder.

PS: Nothing is easy the first time...


Well-Known Member
i'm on the 2nd week of flower my first grow. I got clones that were about 12in tall. I was on here reading shit for 6 months. plus, years of high times. You will run into problems no matter what, you just got to roll with the punches and be ready for anything that might happin during your grow.... good luck