Animal hairs all over plant, calyxes going brown and some wierd bug jizzing


Well-Known Member
Ok so as the title suggests i have a few plant problems.

a) there are animal hairs all over the plant.. im guessing its a cat thats been brushing up against it. what is the best way to get rid of these? ugh.

b) calyxes on two buds are going brown.. why is this? i looked at one partially brown one under the microscope and no clues. Is this simply the bud maturing?

c)Some white bug that looked kinda like a silverfish and jumped all over the place when i flicked it off gently was on my plant.. its left a white secretion kind of like jizz. upon closer inspection though it seems almost like mould.. hmm

Any help would be much appreciated.. happy toking! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Pot plants are like cat hair magnets, any airborne hair will find its way to a nice big sticky bud. The best thing to do is keep the cat Out of the grow room.

As far as the bug you described, need more info, or pics.



Well-Known Member
dammit it was like a ghost bug.. all white.. little fucker! how do i get the current cat hair off the plant once its ready? water? i tried vacuuming it and lost a few leaves lol.. ahhh dear. I noticed the browning calyxes are hollow.. im gonna try vaporizing a few to see where its at.


Well-Known Member
Yeah a vacuum wont work. I dont think you will find any secrets to getting cat hair off your weed. I think your best option is to just pick it off one hair at a time. :lol:

Im sure a lot will get cut away during clipping. Smoking hair is fucking gross so your gonna wanna get as much if not all of it off. I guess this is the one time where you dont want sticky buds. :lol:



Well-Known Member
damn... a bug came on your plant? are you still going to smoke it?

truthfully,... i don't have a clue what you can do.... the plant that got violated, give it to one of your friends thats really not a good friend and tell them its "exotic' and make up a name... "furry white silverfish jizz"... tell them thats the new shit on the street...

haha.... let us now if they like it
lol.... Have you ever smelt burning hair? I had a a cat once upon a time.. She was a bad b*tch.. she never left any hairs on the buds though.. I think she didn't like the hps lights


Well-Known Member
ahahahahaha ahh fuck.. guys this is an awesome little plant though.. its so sticky.. maby its just jizzum though? Silverfish jizz.. sizz


Well-Known Member
lol.... Have you ever smelt burning hair? I had a a cat once upon a time.. She was a bad b*tch.. she never left any hairs on the buds though.. I think she didn't like the hps lights
I have a great cat but hes not allowed in the grow room. :lol: He loves sun bathing under the 1000w HPS though, he likes the warmth.



Well-Known Member
tell them before they smoke it...the smell is funky....its gonna be hair, weed and bug nutjuice all in one....yuck...ahhhhh......hahaha


Well-Known Member
so i have to pick the hairs of violated before i smoke it otherwise it will taste like jizzumous pubes? what about static electricity.. might attract some hairs yeah? It def needs a wax. Hey is there a subtle version of riu for when pple are at work?


Well-Known Member
There is no easy fix to get anything off of buds. Dirt, dust, whatever.
Anything you do to try to get it off will cost you more trichomes than it's worth, so you will just have to pick the hair off the buds as you're loading bowls
or something one at a time.

Can't help you with the bug but I can pretty much guarantee it's not jizz, it's bug shit. (as if that will make you feel better)


Well-Known Member

you have made a new strain...congrats

i don't know about subtle....if you don't log in.. the pics won't pop up.. but the ads will


Well-Known Member
so i have to pick the hairs of violated before i smoke it otherwise it will taste like jizzumous pubes? what about static electricity.. might attract some hairs yeah? It def needs a wax. Hey is there a subtle version of riu for when pple are at work?
Go to My Rollitup and find Edit Options scroll to the bottom and change the skin. Some of the old skins are just blank, they say "Forum Name Here" and stuff like that, Im sure theres one thats a bit less heaty. And in options you can probably turn off Avatar photos and stuff.



Well-Known Member
damn... you make it sound like its all over the it?

i know the fur is... get one of those lint removers for clothes... i don't know if that would work... but as far as the bug secretion.. can't you just avoid that part of the plant