** Dank Growing Tips **

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
***************TIP #1***********************

Here's one that I use in soil applications that works like a charm, I call it "2 cups and a plant"---

What you do is use a clear plastic cup inside of a colored one with holes in both cups for drainage---I put a small handful of hydro-ton in-between the two cups(not-necessary-a piece of rock would work or anything to prop the second cup up a little) to help with drainage. The cool thing about this method is that you can inspect the roots by pulling the clear cup out as often as you wish without disturbing the roots.:mrgreen:

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
*********************TIP # 2************************

Most grower know that a lot of nutrients are acidic and can be used to lower the ph of you water. But did you know you could use silicon to raise the ph and it's great for your plants(helps build strong cell walls and stems as well--helps the plant deal with high nitrogen levels as those found in the vegetative cycle of growth) next time you need to purchase ph-up maybe give it a try---I know you'll like it...


Well-Known Member
tell me more about the sillycone plz :mrgreen:

1. Can you use construction grade sillycone?
2. would you dilute it into the water?
3. How much?

Thx Dr.

BTW....dont have an issue with my ph being too low...just very curious

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
tell me more about the sillycone plz :mrgreen:

1. Can you use construction grade sillycone?
2. would you dilute it into the water?
3. How much?

Thx Dr.

BTW....dont have an issue with my ph being too low...just very curious
Si – Silicon

Silicon accumulates mostly in the epidermal cells of a plant. It is also found in other cell walls. Silicon helps creates hardier, stronger plants and also increases the dry matter content of crops. It has also been known to increase the plants resistance to fungal attacks and also increases the plant's tolerance drought or under watering.

– Dyna-Grow Pro-TeKt, Botanicare Silica Blast (potassium silicate), Dutch Master Silica and General Hydroponics Pyrosol are all good sources of silicon. Growers should take care when using this product as it will increase the pH of the nutrient solution, thus the grower will need to add pH Down to bring the pH back to 5.8 - 6 for hydroponics and 6.5 - 6.8 for soil.

– Deficiencies of silicon have been known to reduce yields.

– Not known.

I use a product from ADVANCE NUTREIANTS----My guy I purchase all my nutes from was a rep for AN for over 7 years---He told me not to follow the directions on the bottle and to use the product only to raise the ph after mixing feed water---it's about a drop or two per gallon----the reason is that good soil has some silica in it------you could use full bottle feed directions if you were in hydro. My ph after adding nutes to the water is 5.3 and my target is 6.3---the silica brings the ph up fast.----silica will add weight to your plants and flowers.
silicone is completly different and would probley kill your plants.


Well-Known Member
what if I was to add silica sand into the soil mix? think that would that work to the same effect?

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Silica sand is a quarts so it would take hundreds of years to break down and make plant usable----It make a good loosening agent for soil or compost(fast draining)---You usually find it in cacti mix. Your best bet is to find a source of the liquid potassium/silica we discussed.


Well-Known Member
righteous bro....thanks for the info. I usually use silica sand for stucco and when I first learned how to skip drywall years ago I used it....kinda like training wheels. Anyway I am ramblin'...thanks a bunch Dr. I am gonna give it a go on a plant or two this run and see how they do :blsmoke::mrgreen: