Perpetual grow 4oo watter. Carnival ministry of cannabis


Well-Known Member
Crazy little lst cage you setup there :)

Is your closet with the sliding door 'cool' enough? What type of lights do you have? is that a 400w HPS on the right?


Well-Known Member
Your set up is genius man. This type of small perpetual harvest is exactly what I had in mind when I started putting together my equipment list,
and it looks like you've pulled it off perfectly.

Way to go, you're my mentor now, haha. Oh and I like your idea about recycling your soil. Less waste, less worry, and I'm sure it saves $$.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention as far as the soil, I have rubbermaid containers I put in a bunch of leaves, then like 2 inches of dirt, then leaves then dirt, then leaves, then dirt, then I keep it moist helping it all break down this gets the soils really good in about three months. I have four containers that I use in order of which is older. It works good, I mix in about three big shovels of worm castings, two shovels of perlite, and call it good.


Well-Known Member
So here are some pics of the girls. I put six new girls in tonight. I need help look at the last pic, is that master kush or og kush any one know? Peace out.



Well-Known Member
ive got a 600w and ive been lookin for a way to get the most out of it. ur system sounds great, im gonna copy it. so how many plants did u fit under ur 400w total? the growbags are the way to go huh?


Well-Known Member
yeah grow bags are legit, its hard to water them though, I have another bag around the grow bag with no holes so it could retain water. its a slippery slope so be careful. too much water you get little black flies. they suck. Right now I got 6 almost ready for harvest, then 9 14 days after that, then the cage thing I have plus two plants for that round, then I put 6 girls in today in the last slot, they only stay in that last slot for like 8 days, it allows them to stretch perfectly, then they fatten up in the third stage, then the last two stages they are under optimal light to finish off. its a good system, use good dirt and make sure not to get spider mites or hermies otherwise it ruins the entire crop. I cook with most of mine any way its all personal use, I would rather eat it then smoke it sometimes especially for sleep. I have back problems so it totally helps.


Well-Known Member
So here is a quick update of the girls, some night pics. Some of the girls have until this coming friday until they get chopped, next girls are 15 days behind, then the scrog grow is 15 days behind then the last ones are 15 days behind, so as you know if your reading this whole thread i harvest every 15 days. Some is blueberry and some is ministry of cannabis"carnival" its good shit. I cant wait to cook with this stuff.



Well-Known Member
make sure to build that bridge to get over your tear river on your way to the other site

I don't know what this guy is talkin about. I posted a couple times to give him props on his grow and ask questions.

Sad to see him go, he had a sweet set up.


Well-Known Member
your a dickhead buddy.

updated pics.

