Israel and the ignored UN Resolutions

Obviously you don't know the definition of terrorism med man.... why am I not surprised?

out. :blsmoke:
Actually I consider you to be a quasi terrorist. Always slinging darts at the workers and union people. Look "dude", we're all trying to get along. I realize I have a thing about the rich pigs, just seems they could do a lot more constructive things with all that squirrelled away money., But I love my country, Just not the current and recent past government. You'll never hear me talk down about the country, just the politicians and greedy corporations. The people in America are great, well most anyway, just trying to make it in these inflamed times.
I'm a quasi terrorist? Wha wha wha? Quasi...intentionally murky there? :lol:

You keep proving my post. :lol: STOP IT!!

So you are just trying to get along eh? yah, let's check out your 10.000 "get along" posts shall we? :mrgreen:

It has NOTHING to do about money or social status.... it just has to do with sticking to principles with EQUALITY no matter what you plug into the equation.

Pick a hot spot and I will be against the side which uses terrorism. If you find yourself having to twist and squirm definitions around so you can take the "other" side, you've made an error.


get along....that was rich $$$

out. :blsmoke:
You are incorrigible. I try and reason with you and guess what, you sling crap. Take your 180 IQ and stick it up your ass. I'm done with negative assholes like you.
isreal has the right to protect its people no matter what u think or the world we would have done it a long time ago. hamas is a joke using the civilian population to gain simpathy and support for there false and ignorant cause. if hamas and its supporters would put that effort into helping the people instead of there own agendas palestine would be a different place. for 5000 years the have fought and none have learned the lesson of the god the speak of so strongly. a lesson for tolerance and forgiveness. yes isreal has done dirty things in the wars but no more of a atrocitie than the other side, eye for an eye people, terrorist cannot be reasoned with, we must stop there spread of idealogy to the young and destroy the rest of them flowers and teddy bears isnt going to work. death is what they want so lets give it to them and the civilian who hides them.
isreal has the right to protect its people no matter what u think or the world we would have done it a long time ago. hamas is a joke using the civilian population to gain simpathy and support for there false and ignorant cause. if hamas and its supporters would put that effort into helping the people instead of there own agendas palestine would be a different place. for 5000 years the have fought and none have learned the lesson of the god the speak of so strongly. a lesson for tolerance and forgiveness. yes isreal has done dirty things in the wars but no more of a atrocitie than the other side, eye for an eye people, terrorist cannot be reasoned with, we must stop there spread of idealogy to the young and destroy the rest of them flowers and teddy bears isnt going to work. death is what they want so lets give it to them and the civilian who hides them.
It's more like 100 eyes for an eye.
so isreal should kill only the number of there own that has been killed and stop bullshit. these countrys and conflict need more than just resolutions and realigous finaticals. they need lasting hope and there goverment faction shooting rocketss at a nieghboring country can never provide that with agression globilization is a great thing but many are going to resist till death.
and we are not iraqi terrorist just the f-----g world police and somebody has to do it our leave it up to god but hes out right now so u tell me
You are incorrigible. I try and reason with you and guess what, you sling crap. Take your 180 IQ and stick it up your ass. I'm done with negative assholes like you.

:lol: :clap: I'll just consider that check and mate.

This just in, the Chinese have adapted Med man's logic and are going to attack Calfornia with 1 billion Chinese using nothing but a pocket full of rocks. Since the US will not be able to respond with superior firepower even though they have it, the Chinese think they can start in Cali and work their way eastward.

I'm gonna stockpile some rocks just in case they make it across.... :lol:


out. :blsmoke:
:lol: :clap: I'll just consider that check and mate.

This just in, the Chinese have adapted Med man's logic and are going to attack Calfornia with 1 billion Chinese using nothing but a pocket full of rocks. Since the US will not be able to respond with superior firepower even though they have it, the Chinese think they can start in Cali and work their way eastward.

I'm gonna stockpile some rocks just in case they make it across.... :lol:


Again with the condescending remarks, eh. I thought geniouses were above the frey. Wrongo bongo, you are probably as dumb as that pile of rocks you're stockpiling. Keep it up, I can see you now.
BTW, using our superior firepower without right causes is as bad as not using it for good causes. Where we differ is on the righteousness of the causes.
I'm just using your logic med Man.... doesn't work for you? It doesn't for me either....:lol:

out. :blsmoke:
You see, that's where we differ. I use logic, you on the otherhand use right wing rhetoric and brainwash. Example: you say there is no global warming, while 90% of credible scientists, (Ones that dont work for the oil companies etc.) say there definently is. Brainwash. How could you let those bought and paid for idiots brainwash you??? 180 IQ???
You bitch that the Israeli's use too much force..... I'm just extending your's completely valid.... my point that is...not yours :lol: Surprised?

out. :blsmoke:
You bitch that the Israeli's use too much force..... I'm just extending your's completely valid.... my point that is...not yours :lol: Surprised?

out. :blsmoke:
Well yeah, they use a 20lb sledge to swat a fly. We use cluster bombs, DU munitions and Napalm to fight terrorists with AK47s and simple RPGs, guess what, the Iraqi freedom fighters adapt and the IED is born. You can't defeat an insurgency on it's home turf, it's been proven time and again. The only reason the violence is down in Bagdad, (And how do we really know that's the case since no reporters are allowed in there), Is we are paying them not to fight us. They show up and get a handful of currency.
Well yeah, they use a 20lb sledge to swat a fly. We use cluster bombs, DU munitions and Napalm to fight terrorists with AK47s and simple RPGs, guess what, the Iraqi freedom fighters adapt and the IED is born. You can't defeat an insurgency on it's home turf, it's been proven time and again. The only reason the violence is down in Bagdad, (And how do we really know that's the case since no reporters are allowed in there), Is we are paying them not to fight us. They show up and get a handful of currency.

You keep swatting flys with a Sledge Hammer they will learn, eventually, not to fly near it. :-P
It's not called the arms race for nothing... :mrgreen:

I'd be more than willing to go back to bare knuckles...... let's see how long that would last? :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
It's not called the arms race for nothing... :mrgreen:

I'd be more than willing to go back to bare knuckles...... let's see how long that would last? :lol:

out. :blsmoke:

You know, we should just force the Presidents, Prime Ministers, Dictators of all the countries to fight it out in a boxing ring. No rules, no weapons, winner takes all.