Anyone want the craziest trip ever.....shrooms or acis just aint enough?

Explain "Fails & Aids", kind of funny how you're the only one calling me out?
N how you gon say that I made up Rusty? He's really rollin for life so stop calling me out acting mature thinking you got me in a lie.

Explain "Fails & Aids", kind of funny how you're the only one calling me out?
N how you gon say that I made up Rusty? He's really rollin for life so stop calling me out acting mature thinking you got me in a lie.


Was your friend on any medication when he ate those pills? or did he take any other drug with them?

If the answer is no then you are a liar.
Explain "Fails & Aids", kind of funny how you're the only one calling me out?
N how you gon say that I made up Rusty? He's really rollin for life so stop calling me out acting mature thinking you got me in a lie.

Theres nothing to call you out on,weather you really do know a guy who ended up a fruit loop for life from that garbage is not the equestion in my eyes,its weather or not the shit "CAN" make a kid an oscar mayer weiner or not, & it can.

Great post.
I don't know about that hence he's my brother's friend. And don't call me a liar, there are many known O.D.s or cases when their body heat goes too high and their brain frys.
My question to you, why did my post bother you so much were you had to call me out when you know I'm telling the truth. Whut do I have to gain telling lies over the internet. If you actully got to know me then you'd know I'm a cool guy, I don't start shit, don't lie. Kind of makes you like immature for even bothering with a subject you know NOTHING ON hence you don't know me, my brother, or Rusty so how can you sit there and say I talk shit?
Well thank you Panhead, Joerubber over here is stuntin' over here like he knows fucking everything.
I know whut X can do to the human body. My mother is a LPN.
I jus take offence when people act like a bitch over the internet.
OMG reefer madness!!!!! I love that you say I know nothing about a subject. Shows your ignorance and how you are quick to make false uneducated statements.

Why dont you back up you claim? Post a source; if you can, that shows someone becoming a vegetable from ,500mgs MDMA(4-5 good doses) without any other drugs taken including prescription meds.

I get sick of people that like to make ridiculous statements as if they are fact. When most of the time you are repeating second to third hand info that is incorrect.
But who knows if thats whut Rusty had, He could have had quad stacks or triples.
I jus don't understand why pick a fight with me? I could careless 'bout some little $3 stamped pill.
But who knows if thats whut Rusty had, He could have had quad stacks or triples.
I jus don't understand why pick a fight with me? I could careless 'bout some little $3 stamped pill.

I am not picking a fight. I just call bullshit when I smell it.

Your statement about quad and triple stack pills shows your ignorance to the pill scene/trade.

I am asking you to prove what you are trying claim. Are you unable to do that?
Holy shit this stuff sounds fucking insane, I would never try it. I found this first-hand experience with the stuff, pretty interesting.

I had half a handfull of seeds approx. on a relatively empty stomach. It was winter. Spent time throwing a large tins plastic lid as a frisbee in the dorm waiting for the effects with friend. First effects, a very dry mouth and the 'off' feeling sometimes accomponied with the flu. About 45 minutes in I decided to walk up to the school to obtain energy drink and pie at canteen.

First mental effects were like being stoned and I sat on the side of the road leading up to the school to enjoy it. Memory is effected from this point on and I can only give flashes as I remember things. After a blank spot I got back to the dorm with pie and drink but mouth was too dry to swallow either. I discovered a frighteningly shrivelled penis without urination capability when I went to the bathroom as well as eyes without near focus capability. These two things set me worrying and for the rest of the day things took a cold and lonely menacing character. It was about 10:30am.

I still do not know what happened to my friend but apparently he didn't feel anything and drifted off to chill with some other friends, totally unaware of my situation. So negative introspection and isolation were in order and I wandered off to the school sports field.

On the way, and whenever I was walking, my foot seemed to slip through an oil patch with a nasty jerk and I would closely inspect the ground for this oil patch but would not find it. Somehow I registered that because my eyesight was affected by the seeds maybe I could not see the oil patch, that the oil patch might not be real did not occur to me. And so it was with my hallucinations throughout the day, I would take it for granted that they were real, but if it were proven unreal it simply added to the negative menacing backdrop to the whole scene. I would rather attempt to find the reality of the hallucinations than admit that something was seriously wrong with my world.

The next memory is of a gigantic network of insect populations crawling into and out of a shadow which fell across a painted concrete wall. The image persisted for a long while until a banging noise interrupted my reverie and I realised I was actually sitting on the grandstand watching people on the sports field. That kind of thing would occur too, I would lose awareness and float inside a perception, somewhat pleasant, until it broke and the cold loneliness would be felt stronger with each return of it.

The closest thing I've experienced to it is delerious thoughts during sickness or fever, but on a bigger scale.

Somehow I remember the banging noise as golf balls hitting the grandstand(?) I may have attempted sleeping because I remember getting up from a lying position, the stands were metal and ice, ice cold. I was astounded to find that my feet weighed near 8 kilograms each, I think that's about 4 pounds? Very heavy.

Now the memory is flooded with conversations that I tried to add to but found myself talking aloud to no one, an extremely lonely and confusing feeling. I remember a long conversation with a person which was different in that he was vividly real and I am still tempted to think that he WAS real because we talked about the seeds and how I was high etc. it's just that this person had left the school about a year earlier. If it was an hallucination than it was an awesome accomplishment of the human mind.

At some point I was in bed watching my cupboard float up and down and left and right and up and down etc. in reverie again, when I felt the need to chase after a shadow I saw a from the corner of my vision, some quick and sinister thing. Each time I turned a corner it turned some corner up ahead. The last thing it zipped into as I turned a corner was the dark cavity underneath some ones bed, scared shitless I got back to my blankets without looking under that bed. Spiders crawled underneath my blankets up towards my face...

Even with the dormitory so empty and the hostel masters all up the school I was extremely lucky to stay out of trouble. There were signs that stuff happened which I don't remember, like grass down the back of my jersey and posters that were found in the dustbin. Other things I remember: showering and passing somebody shampoo and hearing the bottle hit the floor - nobody in the next stall to pass to - and talking to people who would vanish into thin air, visual ghosts at the edge of vision, and small reveries in emersive visualisations, they all happened in front of that cold aweful lonely emotional background. Even the fright aspects were flat and lonely, cold. It occured to me at some point that I was walking around hell. This feeling left me soul stunned.
Man that stuff sounds heavy, probably better off with shrooms or peyote or something
Iboga root bark is supposed to be a good trip, havnt had the chance to try it tho
That experience sounds crazy...

Ive also read several similar experiences to that on erowid. Most of them that I read the ppl couldnt remember anything for a 4-8 hour period in the middle of the trip though. That would scare the shit outta me becuz I really like to be in control of whats happening to me and what I do.
This is one pretty interesting experience I found on Erowid about Datura:

Unlike most of the other ones, that guy actually remembered a lot of the effects during the peak of the high. Sounds extremely intense, and very interesting to read. But from what I read about all of this Datura stuff, needless to say, hell no Im never doing this. But like the thread starter said, I do find it very interesting and for some reason Im very curious about it.

One odd thing that I see in most of the trip experiences with Datura is the ppl meet ppl from the past and they actually think theyre there with them. Also meeting and talking to ppl that dont exist and never existed. Thats very odd. It seems like DMT might bring out old memories and mix them with ur actual reality. Heres another interesting experience:
Don't know if anyone said this before in the thread but this is my advice:

I'm a neurologist and because I care about your well being and the health of your mind and brain, I recommend to you the worlds strongest hallucinogenic: n,n-DMT. It has absolutely no side effects, it produces no negative physical, mental or psychological effects, except that you may become ALOT wiser... Algel's trumpets, also known as Hells Bells (yes, yes, AC/DC, that what's it about) are extremely damaging to nerve cells, even worse than strong anasthetics. The only downside to DMT is that it's illegal... and it may be challanging to produce. Still, everybody uses DMT every night. Research it and you'll find out more. Here's a vid and a free library with all the books on DMT:

You can even buy it online for "research". Some laboratories produce it and sell it. It's just like buying cannabis seeds.
And there are relatively safe methods of ingesting DMT.. Jimson weed is up there on the list with ergot mold, and amanita muscaria muchrooms for extremely foolish intoxicants IMO..
Besides, many researchers believe that DMT is responsible for the stereotypical near death experience.. And it 'can' be relatively safe.. From my understanding, the largest danger is the MAOI required (for ppl taking medications dangerous with MAOI's)..

Edit: IIRC Sacred Seeds in Toronto sells psychotria veridis seeds..
And there are relatively safe methods of ingesting DMT.. Jimson weed is up there on the list with ergot mold, and amanita muscaria muchrooms for extremely foolish intoxicants IMO..
Besides, many researchers believe that DMT is responsible for the stereotypical near death experience.. And it 'can' be relatively safe.. From my understanding, the largest danger is the MAOI required (for ppl taking medications dangerous with MAOI's)..

Edit: IIRC Sacred Seeds in Toronto sells psychotria veridis seeds..

Agreed, DMT is very safe and has no adverse effects. If smoked, no MAOI is required. The MAOI is essential only if DMT is eaten.

Amanita muscaria is also safe. Tried it once with no negative effects accompanied. Is there something I don't know about here? Did people actually die or intoxicate themselves from it cause I really can't imagine it.
Wait so how can i get my hands on this shit?...and what do u it?...make some tea?..haha and whats the exact name where can i get this shit..i know people who will try it hahahah...

gosh im a dick
Ok I digress.. Amanita Muscaria can be taken safely, but the problem is that they grow wild and will often be collected by kids who read about it on the net, and its not difficult at all to mistake desired variations of A.Muscaria with much more toxic ones, or even A. Pantherina.. IMO mushroom classification should be left to mycologists.. A safe source is one thing, but from what I understand, mushroom poisoning can be a really brutal way to die..
(But you say you're a neurologist, so I'm doubting you got yours from some kid on the street..:) )
Wait so how can i get my hands on this shit?...and what do u it?...make some tea?..haha and whats the exact name where can i get this shit..i know people who will try it hahahah...

gosh im a dick
Thanks for being the designated poster-child to the point I just made..:)
Amanita Muscaria can be taken safely, but the problem is that they grow wild and will often be collected by kids who read about it on the net, and its not difficult at all to mistake desired variations of A.Muscaria with much more toxic ones, or even A. Pantherina.. IMO mushroom classification should be left to mycologists.. A safe source is one thing, but from what I understand, mushroom poisoning can be a really brutal way to die..

You're absolutely right, although I never would have though that people are so amazingly stupid to just pick up a red mushroom from the forest and just eat it hoping to see funny colors... :wall: I'd expect people smart enough to break the law regarding the use of substances to not be idiots and do stuff like this. I have seen a mushroom poisoning only once, and it was from a guy who thought it looked like a plerotus...

Wait so how can i get my hands on this shit?...and what do u it?...make some tea?..haha and whats the exact name where can i get this shit..i know people who will try it hahahah...

gosh im a dick

DMT, also known as n,n-Dimethyltryptamine is natually present in some exotic plants (the most in mimosa hostilis - 0.52%), in the secretions of some exotic frogs and in the pineal gland of most living creatures, including humans. It is extracted out of mimosa hostilis root bark using only household items. The white powder produced is n,n-DMT, the strongest form of DMT.

Place 40-50mg (never ever ever over 60mg!!!) in a meth pipe or light bulb vaporizer or any type of pipe where the flame doesn't directly touch the DMT. The heated DMT vaporizes, turning into white vapor. Inhale the vapor even thou it smells like burnt plastic. Keep it in your lungs 10-15 sec and exhale. Hit the pipe as many times as you can before falling asleep. ALWAYS have a sober person beside you in order to take the pipe and lighter out of your hands once you fall asleep.

The next 3-5 min are the best you will ever experience. It is amazing. There is nothing to compare it with. Two things you should know:
1. Don't be freaked out or scared about what you see... it's shocking but it's beautiful.
2. Don't try to control the trip.
Also, say hello to the mechanic elves for me.

The next 20 min you are awake and see nice colorful patterns in the room. I'd say it resembles a strong mushroom trip or an LSD trip.

In 60min you're well on your feet and completly sober.

If you want more info: - The Spirit Molecule.pdf

You can also order DMT online from laboratories as a "research chemical".

Warning! DMT is highly illegal. Use may change your perpective on the world and make you realise how useless and wrong some of the things we do are. DMT side effects include: heightened appreciation of beauty, art and intelligence, soaring wisdom, profound understanding of religious references, myths and stories, the abandonment of interests of material nature, greed and egoism and the serious questioning of political figures and their intentions and agendas.:fire:
There is atleast one church in the USA sanctioned to use DMT ceremonially..
As for the A.Muscaria, my dad is probably as knowledgeable about local mushrooms as an amateur can be, and he says that in certain locations he wouldn't even trust his own judgement on A. Muscaria imparticular except at certain times of the season because we have alot of the Formosa variation in our area which is much more toxic.. I suppose you could research exactly what variations are wild in your area to assess the risk of finding a wolf in sheep's clothing..
I do like what the guy at had to say:
Since the odds are high that some readers of this Web page have typed "Amanita muscaria" into a search engine and have arrived here without knowing the slightest thing about mushrooms and their identification, let me say this as plainly as I can: You are stupid if you eat this mushroom. Yes, it may get you high--and no, I am not some uptight jerk who cares whether you take (safe) psychoactive drugs. What I care about is that if you pick wild mushrooms and eat them, trying to get high, you could easily kill yourself by misidentifying your quarry. And even if you identify Amanita muscaria correctly, you may not only get high but also put yourself in the hospital, since it contains dangerous as well as psychoactive toxins.