2-CP might just be the strongest psych out there. Fucking crazy ass frighening exp.

This is why really knowing the drug you're taking is so important. Taking crazy doses with no tolerances an going to hurt you that bad with say lot or acid. With alcohol you still have a really wide margin for error, especially with a little experience. How many kids gets sick the first few times drinking and never do again? 2c-p is one of those drugs that can and will bite you if you disrespect it. There's no excuse with all the information available today. When I started taking drugs erowid didn't even EXIST! People don't even realize how lucky they are.
You sound pretty exp. with this substance?
Nah gucci...don't troll guys,roll guys! And trippy ain't trippin..he's being for real.."oops,I took too much"..we've all done it but in this day and age we can all be informed more than ever.(hence sites like r.I.u)..so if you go swimming without ever reading about water,expect to drown...in an euphamism so to speak...I still wouldn't complain..id always want to trip like that...but I'm weird! ;-)
Also,I'm fairly sure duck is experienced in most substances,or has a vast knowledge of the substance in question.
I'm not very experienced with 2c-p, I tried it twice I think, it can be hard to remember sometimes because I've tried a lot of things. I also read about other people's experiences and lots of academic data.
Yep. We should start a contest to see if there is something chemical duck can't quote on chemical wise..I don't think there is a chem you wouldn't know anything about,having read a lot of your posts...which is a good thing.like martha stuart and walter white decided to hook up..lol
There's tons of psychoactive chemicals I don't know anything about, but I know enough to be able to learn about them pretty quickly.
I don think I have much in common with Martha Stewart, other than cooking I'm not a very good homemaker and I would never commit insider trading. I'm not really motivated by the desire for financial gain past providing for my family.
i didnt fancy the 2c's that much myself. deffinately stronger stuff out there though, but stronger isnt always better :wink:
Mate if your going to mess around with shulgins wonderful creations i suggest you go get yourself a copy of both pihkal and tihkal! There an absolute must, as they give trip reports with actual doses and some pretty good stories ;). I did try to tell you in your 2c-b 2c-p thread that even 10mg of 2c-p for a first time dose is verging on the high side. Anyway im not going to preach ive done it and worse myself haha. Happy trippin just be careful bud :D