cmon guys whats wrong with the current setup?
Do you want the puppet on the left? or the puppet on the right?
I think it's high time (no pun intended. . . or is it?) we got the puppet in the middle! We all need to go Libertarian! Also let's all decide once and for all to expose the media for who they really are! The media is causing this American split because they aren't reporting fairly. The media is trying to get the people dis-enchanted with the idea of democracy so that the power networks can step in and take over. As the media once said, "We'll decide! what's important to the people, and we'll decide what we will report to them!"
Those who control the images, control the people!
PUT DOWN the CLICKER people and READ A BOOK! Let's not let the media take over our precious country, the land of the free, the home of the brave!