How tall should my plant be


Active Member
How tall should my plant be after like a month and a half or so. I want to make sure mine isnt stretching or the likes because its about as tall as my elbow to my hand now.


Well-Known Member
That all depends on used...seed strain...ventilation...soil used...nutirents used...hours of lighting per day. I may have left something out...but all those things contibute to your plant's growth.

Stretching is usually caused by lighting being too far away from plants. So they stretch to get closer to the light source.


Well-Known Member
That makes sense, but if you grow outside, with the sun being as far away as it is, wouldn't that make the plants stretch? Sorry if that a noob question.


Well-Known Member
My ARE outside...too used to indoor stuff.

Outside...Im not sure you can do much other than support the seedling until the stem gets stronger. Im sure someone will correct me if Im wrong.


Well-Known Member
the sun is far far away, but there is NO better source of light than the sun...

just keep burying the plant a little deeper. seedlings always stretch way faster than they veg, so every few days, i have to bury them another few inches [i put the leaves about one inch from soil]

the way i see it, if i'm right anyway, is that the stem being buried like that could make room for more possible root sites, and hence bigger plants..


Well-Known Member
when my plants were only 6 inches I started bending the bottom of the stem and buried about 3 inches of it. i looked a couple weeks later and they had roots growing out of the part i buried.

I have a plant in my yard thats up to my chin, and I'm 6 feet tall. I live in the City and thats too big, its early July and I'm afraid by September it will be like 7 feet tall. what to do?


Well-Known Member
I did already i have 8 tops and am afraid to clip it anymore. so i just got finished bending it. it looks O.K. but only time will tell.


Well-Known Member
I live in NYC, we usually get first frost like in late October sometimes not until mid to late November.