DOin Acid


Well-Known Member
i dropped the acid on friday couldnt wait lol. me and my bud split 3 hits. an hour latter i just felt super super super stoned and a great body high. i didnt hallucinate it wasnt that potent of acid i guess im gonna haveto get more and drop like 5 or 6 to trip...


Well-Known Member
Anyone can believe they can fly, only an idiot doesn't try over some flat ground first...


Well-Known Member
He could jump off a building.
You've obviously never done acid, or know nothing about acid for that matter. People still believe the same government propaganda FROM THE 60'S!!!

When your on acid you dont think you can fly, your in control on the trip 90% of the time. Never once have I ever done anything remotely dangerous while on acid, because im not a dumbfuck.

People need to stop posting these worthless comments on a drug they know NOTHING about, and dont kid yourself, you really dont know anyhting. Even a person who spends 50 years on reasearch can never have an idea of what acid is really like until they try it, becuase it is indiscribale in the english language (and many others)

Until any of you actually drop a decent hit of acid, stop posting, because your doing nobody any good. People come to this section to learn about other drugs, and how to do them safely. All your comments are doing is spreading the stupidity that the government wants you to believe.

Good day.


Well-Known Member
You've obviously never done acid, or know nothing about acid for that matter. People still believe the same government propaganda FROM THE 60'S!!!

When your on acid you dont think you can fly, your in control on the trip 90% of the time. Never once have I ever done anything remotely dangerous while on acid, because im not a dumbfuck.

People need to stop posting these worthless comments on a drug they know NOTHING about, and dont kid yourself, you really dont know anyhting. Even a person who spends 50 years on reasearch can never have an idea of what acid is really like until they try it, becuase it is indiscribale in the english language (and many others)

Until any of you actually drop a decent hit of acid, stop posting, because your doing nobody any good. People come to this section to learn about other drugs, and how to do them safely. All your comments are doing is spreading the stupidity that the government wants you to believe.

Good day.

90% of the time? What about the other 10%...


Well-Known Member
90% of the time? What about the other 10%...
the other 10% you dont do anything. you sit there and enjoy yourself and try to understand what is happening. Self-elightenment often ensues.

Im purely amazed by your ignorance. You talk a lot about something you know nothing about. Typical 13 year old behavior.


Well-Known Member
the other 10% you dont do anything. you sit there and enjoy yourself and try to understand what is happening. Self-elightenment often ensues.

Im purely amazed by your ignorance. You talk a lot about something you know nothing about. Typical 13 year old behavior.
LMFAO!!!! No shit man, that guy wouldn't have the capacity to want or desire the ability to understand anything beyond sensory stimulation.
:clap:JoBo, another great post amongst many.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
90% of the time? What about the other 10%...
How about you on weed? You've never been drunk or high and done something stupid? So you can say 100% of the time no matter how much of a substance you have that you'll know exactly what you'd do? Or is LSD just an evil drug that makes people lose all functions and jump out of windows and such?

I think you have predetermined thoughts of what LSD is and does and you're not willing to accept something that differs from your own beliefs.


Well-Known Member
All i know is that acid can be the shit like everyone is saying, But u do have to be in AWESOME/Happy as fuck state of mind no drama or personal problems your facing and youll have a great trip, its just like shrooms(im told). Ive done shrooms and have been wanting to do them again. Its been 3 years since and cant find any around here. As for myself taking acid. ill pass b/c im scared str8 up! But i will never dog/hate someone for taking it. But i will dog a mother fucker on coke/crack or meth!!!! Cause that shit aint cool in anyway shape or form unless you have massive issues going on, even then they come back! Point is to the guy who started this thread. U have it all planned go for it. JUST BE HAPPY!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
How about you on weed? You've never been drunk or high and done something stupid? So you can say 100% of the time no matter how much of a substance you have that you'll know exactly what you'd do? Or is LSD just an evil drug that makes people lose all functions and jump out of windows and such?

I think you have predetermined thoughts of what LSD is and does and you're not willing to accept something that differs from your own beliefs.
maybe...I just don't want to see this guy fuck himself up on acid. Not that many do it (not as many as weed) so it seems alien or better way to put it something to be scared of...idk, dude hope you have fun and do it with friends all the time you do it and don't be in a sad mood :)

P.S shep no need to - rep. I won't do it back.


Well-Known Member
The only time you have a bad trip on acid is if your scared about it. If you have any self doubt, dont do it. Stick to shrooms for a while till you can acclimate to hallucinogens.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
The only time you have a bad trip on acid is if your scared about it. If you have any self doubt, dont do it. Stick to shrooms for a while till you can acclimate to hallucinogens.
I was scared before I took my first two hits.. after an hour they kicked in and I was like "THIS IS FUCKING SICK!!" ran upstairs and hit another one!


Well-Known Member
I was never affraid of acid. Not trying to brag but only pointing out that D.A.R.E. taught me what drugs I wanted to try and I got excited to have fun. Although I was a very busy kid doing kid stuff and forgot about drugs, conforming to the drugs are bad Mmmm-kay type mentality. Untill High school and sum of my teammates/friends told me they did stuff and it was available. I was like fuck an eh, lets get to it, like I said I have been curious since D.A.R.E. and what better time to try it out than with my buddies.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I was never affraid of acid. Not trying to brag but only pointing out that D.A.R.E. taught me what drugs I wanted to try and I got excited to have fun. Although I was a very busy kid doing kid stuff and forgot about drugs, conforming to the drugs are bad Mmmm-kay type mentality. Untill High school and sum of my teammates/friends told me they did stuff and it was available. I was like fuck an eh, lets get to it, like I said I have been curious since D.A.R.E. and what better time to try it out than with my buddies.
nah I wasn't scared like of buying it, or scared it would hurt me or anything like that. I hadn't ever done a psychedelic before (unless you count DXM or DXO) and I jumped right on LSD ;-). I was only scared 'cause I thought I was going to bitch out and have a bad trip.. but it was fucking wonderful and quite a beautiful experience.