Midwest USA


Well-Known Member
You know... Without man's involvement in planting corn it wouldn't survive... And without man's involvement in the destruction of cannabis it would thrive...

Makes you wonder if we're farming the right plant :roll:


Well-Known Member
haha well we need to be farming both.......personally idgaf if the government starts trying to make it profitable for them as long as i can grow my plants without being worried about spending years in prison.......It really sucks I work every day I graduated college at the top of my class and these fuckers will not hesitate to throw my ass in jail for growing a couple plants for medical and personal reasons


Well-Known Member
But what does overgrow the government entail? like just growing as much pot as possible at your house or like trying to grow all kinds of pot in your back yard and anywhere you could? thats a vague statement


Well-Known Member
you really think enough pot would grow? some places its too hot in the summer and in most places its too cold in the winter that shit would die.....i mean in certain places it would thrive


Well-Known Member
That's where you're wrong, cannabis thrives everywhere in the world. It leaves seeds to make it through the winter and regrow in the spring... And in tropical conditions it does the same.

And overgrow, meaning, grow as much, or more, than you personally can consume.


Well-Known Member
i just dont see that doing anything.......not enough people would be on board and it would result in a few hundred or maybe a few thousand in jail and nothing would happen

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
personally I would get pissed if people threw seeds everywhere because they would pollinate my outdoor grows.

overgrow is basically weed everywhere---so fuck it.


Well-Known Member
I'll plant some clones outside the police station, some really dank shit too. Maybe then they'll quit arresting people, that is, if they smoke it. :mrgreen:

In the meantime I'll just put an ounce in the mailbox... Maybe that'll calm them down.


New Member
Don't be wasting good dank shit on the cops, damn they won't have near the appreciation of it that I would have.

I'll take the dank shit and we'll plant some of my bag seed for the piggies.