You know you're a pothead when:

i got another one

you know your a pothead when you read these and your like
i do that, or ive done that and thats kinda like the time i......

sorry.... anc's post applies to me as well thats a few now.... so i thought id post this :)
damn, that hash joint is fucking awesome.

you know you're a pothead when you read a "desperate times call for desperate measures when getting high" thread, which then prompts you to go scrape your bong for a smoke...which i did about 30 minutes ago
u know ur a pothead when u take ur shirt off and there's shake in your bellybutton. (happens to me whenever i load something without wearing a shirt)
You know you're a pothead when there are still 2 days till harvesting time and you just can't go to sleep because you're thinking about the sweet buds you're going to cut off soon...

When cats are your favorite toys while high.

When people at work ask you why you arn't getting enough sleep (red eyes, you kno).

When Jim Carrey is the funniest being in the world.