My babys are drooping like crazy


Well-Known Member
Ok everyone I have a few power skunks that are drooping quite badly these are the ones in the pics and I also have some ultra haze 2, the haze are barely drooping on lower growth but the others are getting weird on me and I need to figure out why. My temps between 73 and 80 and humidity is around 30% - 45% but I have watered with nutes twice in the past week with water inbetween ONLY because they have really started to eat and drink alot WHAT CAN THIS BE????????????????



Well-Known Member
Cmon now what if you guys needed some simple help??????? What could possibly be happening to my girls?


Well-Known Member
hey man, whats the temps at night time? You should check tah also, because alot of things change in the environment when those lights go out. humidity raises, temps drop and plants get wet and cold!
I would say the problem right now is overwatering, plants can survive a drought better than they can drowning.

What do the tips look like on the leaves?
Are they brown, and twisted?

Sorry, can't see the pics very well.


Well-Known Member
No theyre not browning or twisting just straight drooping and for the night temps Im going in there tonite to make definate sure of temps.


Well-Known Member
And for the stretching they did stretch in the beginning before I could fix that but im running a 400w mh hortilux bulb with a 600w shps with a hortilux bulb all under the growzilla hood from hydrofarm.


Well-Known Member
Id like to hear some other opinions please and let me know what I should do about fixing the prob.


Active Member
Heat and not enough water is my guess... give them a little water,lower the temps a little, throw a slight fresh air breeze at it, and make sure you got some good (but cool) lighting as close as you can.....edit, how's wet's your soil?


Well-Known Member
Thats the problem I got a meter at home depot and its telling me that the soil is definately wet?? And temps rite now are like 75


Active Member
Thats the problem I got a meter at home depot and its telling me that the soil is definately wet??
I have the same meter i think.....I keep it around 2-3. I had thay problem when I had dry heat blowing in my leaves......It corrected in a few hours after I repositioned things.....don't know if this helps you a bit i've been bongsmilie


Active Member
yea, my gf did....I watered my plants about an hour ago and it reads 4-5 now I water on less than 1 1/2...These are probably numbers that only work w/ this particular guage


Well-Known Member
is it a gauge like the one stuck in the plant below?
This plant suffered from cold temps at night. If it doesn't look like this then it is def. overwatering.
This causes roots to die, and rot away.
I would reccomend letting it dry, do a good flush after that, then dry it out again, and water with the nutes you use. Gradual dosage



Well-Known Member
That is the exact gauge I have below so yeah is that fuckin me off or what lilmafia????

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Ok everyone I have a few power skunks that are drooping quite badly these are the ones in the pics and I also have some ultra haze 2, the haze are barely drooping on lower growth but the others are getting weird on me and I need to figure out why. My temps between 73 and 80 and humidity is around 30% - 45% but I have watered with nutes twice in the past week with water inbetween ONLY because they have really started to eat and drink alot WHAT CAN THIS BE????????????????
what is the medium your in? Have you added nutrients? if so what kind and how much? What is the run-off ph/ppms?.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
is it a gauge like the one stuck in the plant below?
This plant suffered from cold temps at night. If it doesn't look like this then it is def. overwatering.
This causes roots to die, and rot away.
I would reccomend letting it dry, do a good flush after that, then dry it out again, and water with the nutes you use. Gradual dosage
did it freeze?


Active Member
well considering you said you watered with nuts 2 times this week i would say it is that just a bit to much. sometimes i have noticed when i use a little to much guano i get that for a few days.


Well-Known Member
Doc no it did not freeze, the medium i am using and have been using is the fox farm ocean forest and the nutes I am using are earth juice the last feeding I gave was 1 tbsp of grow 2 tbsp og bloom 1 tsp of meta k 1 tbsp of molasses and usually feed all 7 with about 3 gallons of water.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
The freezing question is was for mafia(he posted as pic). As to your problems-----FFOF should'nt be above 7PH---Did you add anything to it?-----How long have the plants been in that soil?