11 month old, has dad's growop busted


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt mind if i cop knocked on my door, id tell him nicely get the fuck out of here...then after he left id transport my operation elsewhere...that would be a hell of a lot better than getting the door kicked in
500 plants?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Have any of you ever pocket dialed 911? My old phone when the keyboard was locked had an option to make an emergency call and twice it called them.


Well-Known Member
if you're in your property, can you tell just about anyone who doesnt have a search warrant to GET THE FUCK OFF MY STEP?


New Member
Have any of you ever pocket dialed 911? My old phone when the keyboard was locked had an option to make an emergency call and twice it called them.
yes they asked for my full name and that was it.

my grinder phone lighter and med jar were in the same pocket and me and the boys were having a bit of a drinking session when my phone rang a different ring tone, i answered

"911 whats you're emergency"

"Holy FUCK! Im so sorry, my phone was in my pocket with some tools and it must have accidentally dialed...Shit im really fuckin sorry." - me

"Oh...May I have your name sir?"


"Have a safe night sir"

"...fuck" - me

no cops showed up, no problems from the incident...


Well-Known Member
Ive had my phone dial 911 while in my pocket, they asked whats wrong and i explained the situation and they told me to have a good day. I feel sorry for this guy but damn he was going huge with 500 plants.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Ive had my phone dial 911 while in my pocket, they asked whats wrong and i explained the situation and they told me to have a good day. I feel sorry for this guy but damn he was going huge with 500 plants.
depends if he already has a conviction or not. If not probably only a year or two. He better hope he was a renter though.


Well-Known Member
ok so lets not forget the parents allowed the kids to sit and play with the phone????? What the fuck......... thats my worse fear it has happened many times and if you dont fix it before they come check on the call even if you dont grow and just smoke i would be freakin out. I have two kids and they dont just play with the phone for that reason. I wonder if the cops can just come in like that they saw the kids playing with phone right? Why did they end up searching the house im not sure if id just say OK?


Well-Known Member
yer you cant realy say 500 plants is for your own use 2 years aint to bad enless that was his first grow if it was his second or third he would of got upto 700000 a grow not speaking for any1 else but if sum1 paid me 700000 id go to jail for 2 years happily i earn 20000 a year at most and work my ass off for it o its a legit job by the way.
yer good point about a kid playing with the phone i would of been slapped silly if my mum or dad saw me playing with a phone at that age.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
first off that is messed up!

heres the deal on 911 calls to your house.... when you call 911 for the police they do not need a search warrent... this is becasue you are inviting the police over to your place and yes they are going to come in and look around...

i knew a couple and they had a big ol knock down drag out... one of them called the police... and you know the police show up 2 3 hours later... well by that time the couple had already calmed down and left to go get drunk at the bar... well they forgot t cancel the call to 911, and the police came and no ansewered the door and the cops kicked in the door and conducted a search to find them.... when the couple came home they had yellow letter explaining what went down... and if they found a grow op ha ha well!!


Well-Known Member
it's a darn shame

good lesson ......................house fires and getting free electricity seem to be other ways people often get busted?