Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
I have to go pick my daugher up from work :( she's been really bitchy lately, I'm about ready to choke her. Usually we get along great.........

I know............. 2 and 4 mine are still so sweet and cute and younge, they need me all the time but they still listen to some extent then they get older and have opinions and such........gggggrrrrr


Well-Known Member
sorry i just dont get that worked up about shit..........this place gets fancier all the time, everything changes
Well excuse me...seeing my IP and comp info kind of bothers me...especially when I get a "I am god" with it... plus when I can't fit shit on my screen.. fancy isn't the word that comes to mind......Fucked is.


Well-Known Member

Twisty I don't know what is going on with your browser. I am on Firefox and using Blazin 07 and don't see what your seeing. Maybe you have a virus. Run a scan on your computer and see if it helps. In the meantime, I forbid you to leave. I must put my foot down on that one....no room for negotiations. I am telling you, besides the time issue, everything is fine on the site. Please please run a scan using Avast Antivirus (free) and see if it helps. I would hate to think that I would have to fly over there to kick your butt, when I should be giving you hug!:hug: